one. We adopted/saved a precious cat this week. We named her, Rogue Warrior.
twelve. The number of things I was to sew on my Pinterest Sewing Projects board. I am so beyond excited about finally getting my sewing machine. {My mom brought it for me when she came to visit.}
four. The number of favorite dinosaurs that he plays with. Most of them kind of scare him.

two. The number of doctors our poor boy went in and saw in one day.
twenty. The number of times we've watched Despicable Me because the minions make him so happy.
three. The number of Pedialyte bottles we've gone though.
twenty. The number of songs on my special playlist that have been replaying over, and over this past week.
ten. The number of how many times I've been puked on this week.

forty. The number of times I've called my mom & Keagan's grandma. In a row.
countless. The amount of prep-talks from Keagan I have gotten - Snuggles from an overly sick kid - Overwhelmingly blessed I've felt for modern medicine - And all the amazing help from my wonderful mother, and Keagan's lovely grandmother {I really don't know what I'd do without those 2 beautiful women}.
There were times I was crying on the phone to Keagan, while he was at work, because I felt defeated, and alone - That I just couldn't do it.
But then my mom said to me, "Kayla, you can. You are a mom. Mom's have superpowers that no one else in the world have. We step up, and do what needs to be done. Tap into them, and use them."
I sobbed. I miss her so much. 20+ hours away from her is too much. But I am grateful for her wisdom, and strength.
Well, I'll try at least.