
18 Mar 2014

House of Hades - Heroes of Olympus by Rick Riordan. It is a continuation of the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series. I love these books. They are clean, funny, exciting, sad at times, but always are so interesting. They let me indulge in my Greek & Roman fascinations, and still have an awesome story line. I'm super excited to be able to read these to Renner when he is old enough to understand them. I would read these with my nephew Gage, who actually introduced me to them, and I got my sister Stephanie's kids into them. They are an excellent read. If you haven't read them - Really stop what you're doing, go to Walmart (they are cheap there), and go find the first book! 
Also, The movies are quite terrible, 
and don't follow the book hardly at all. 
It's sad. I need to stop having expectations. 

 I'm re-watching the Supernatural seasons, again, for the 11th time. - Don't judge me. But right now I'm in the 6th season. After this season though, it just gets crazy, and annoying. I will always and forever love Sam & Dean - But I miss the old days. I hated the Leviathan. The angels are just pissing me off. And it's just "spinning out of control" as Dean would say. I'm nostalgic for the 1st-5th Seasons. I'm guessing I'm not alone with that thought though.

A friggin' date. I miss Keagan. Our idea of a perfect date is dinner & a movie. Even without the dinner - As long as we can step out of the house for a few hours to go watch a movie, we would. We love it. It's been a while since we've had alone time, and an actual one-on-one date. I mean, all parent's know it's hard to go out on a date when you have babies/kids, so I'm hoping this weekend we will get to go out!

I know I say that I hate books turned into movies, but I still will go and see them. I, however, is super excited to see this movie. I love the books. & I love who they picked for the characters. They are perfectly picked in my mind. I did picture Tris a bit more plain looking, but I'm glad they didn't make her super ugly. 

 & S U M M E R. Seriously, I'm tingling with excitement.

This amazing spring weather. I am so excited for this summer! Last summer with Ren was a blast, but he was so young, and didn't really grasp it. This summer will be fantastic. Walking to the splash park down the street, going to the part next to our place, going to all the awesome Farmers Markets around Edmonton (my ultimate favorite thing to do in the summer), camping, playing in Waterton with Keagan's family, and just everything! I'm so pumped! Love warm weather that burns my skin, and is so humid you can barely breathe. I'm still a Texan girl at heart, and miss my homeland bunches during those sweet summer months.

Renner's biting habits. They are killing me. 
Also, as the snow melts, more and more water is getting piled unto the streets, and all through the grass. It grosses me out, and I think this is the worst part of spring. Blehh.

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