Hello everyone! So, if you've been around my blog for a while, you know how deep my love for essential oils goes. But for whatever reason I've always been so nervous to really dedicate a space for them. Which is so ridiculous because they have such a big space in of our life! They are so important to me, and I know that they make a difference. 

I first started using oils because my next door neighbor (who became one of my greatest friends) noticed that I was struggling a little bit. Renner was only a year and a half, and my endometriosis pain was bad. It's always been pretty debilitating ever since I was 14 years old, and it has just gotten worse as I've gotten old - especially after having Renner - but those months were just the worst. We lived near a park, and her and I would occasionally walk our kids there together, and we just started talking more and more about my issues, and she asked me if I had ever tried essential oils. Obviously, I had heard about essential oils, but I never really put much stock into them. Until I tried them for myself. 

There is a more in-depth post talking about my first experience with oils, and how they have helped me in 

I still remember the first oils I used - Lavender, Clary Calm, + Balance
They are still some of my absolute favorite oils today. 

Now, I will say this.

Oils are not cures. 
They aren't miracles in a bottle, although they do feel like it at times.
They hold no "healing abilities".

But what they can do for you is uplift, support, improve, and relieve things that us as human beings go through. 
And to me that is amazing in itself. 

If you have any questions, or want to learn more about the oils + products that I use on a daily basis you can either follow me on my social media outlets, or email me - which are different from my personal/blog handles.

EO Instagram | @paisleyessentials
EO Email | paisleyessentials@gmail.com
EO Health + Wellness Site | paisley essentials

Thank you so much for all the kindness that I receive on this space on a daily basis, and I am so excited to continue to share my essential oils journey with you.

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