My Five Favorites.

1 Mar 2014

My Top 5 Favorites Apps. 

I have a lot of apps on my phone that I hardly ever use. I usually go through a round of using all of them, but then I will get 900 pictures of Renner doing the exact same thing, and can't bare to delete them. So I delete the apps. But these ones I never do - 

1. Instagram
This is probably my favorite app. I'm on Instagram probably more than Facebook. I love photography. It gives people an outlet who don't really have a lot to say, but still want to express themselves, a way to do that. The majority of the pictures I have on mine is of Renner. 

2. Facebook
Although I try not to use it very often, I still do. I love to connect with my old high school buddies, or my distant relatives. And I love seeing how they all are doing. See their families, and how everyone grew up. 

3. Anyplay
You can't find this on the AppStore sadly, I've tried to find it for my mom's phone, but it's an amazing music app. It lets me find any (and I do mean ANY) song that I want to listen to, and I can put them all on a playlist. I don't have to download any songs, or buy them. It just takes the songs from different websites, and complies them all on it. It's wonderful. I use it every day. 

4. Pinterest
We all love Pinterest. There really isn't anything to say but - its Pinterest. Can't ever go wrong with it. 

I'll just put these two together because they go hand in hand with me. I LOVE them both. Afterlight has amazing filters, and different things you can do with your photos. & ABM lets you write things on your photo with amazing fonts & even doodles. - which their doodles are so dang cute. 

Okay, I will add one more as a little something extra ; 

6. What'sApp. 
I use this to text all of my family & friends in the States. It's incredible! Seriously one of the greatest texting apps of my life. I've tried a lot of them, but this is my favorite one. It has super cute backgrounds that you can change on your text screen. You can send voice messages. It's just awesome. I love it. 

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