The Egg & Snickers Salad.

8 Mar 2014

A few things have happened the past few weeks that have literally made me question why I don't punch a lot of people in the throat.

Don't get me wrong. I'm a semi-(non) violent person. But when comes to people messing with my loved ones, well in the spirit of hockey, the gloves come off. Nothing drives me more insane than straight up disrespect. For personal sake, or personal belongings - just have some friggin common courtesy people. 

First off. Let me tell you how deeply sad, and straight up frustrated this makes me -

What's that you say? Well, that my friends is a frozen egg smashed on our car just above the windshield. Completely random, as there were other remains of eggs spewed across the parking lot. Just some kids having fun. Punks. If this was the summer I'd still be upset, but at least we could wash it off. But in -40 degree weather, dead of winter, that baby isn't even budging. Not only that, but it also will remove the paint. WE JUST GOT THAT CAR A MONTH AGO. Gahh. So devastating. Anyone know how to get frozen egg off your car? Hot water did nothing. 

It really breaks my heart that some people can do that stuff, without even thinking of what the other person might be going through, or how it will affect them. 

Anyways, besides that, good things have been happening. Like our sweet baby Renner is finally starting to walk. We couldn't be more excited. People say, "Oh, you're in for it now that he is going to start walking." But really, we've been in for it since he started crawling. He's already gotten into everything, and we've baby proofed as much as we can without making our home stripped, and bare. 

I see it more of a blessing, and gift. Some babies aren't blessed with the ability to walk. So although we might be "in for it", I couldn't be more happy and proud. I try to not take anything Renner can, and is able to do for granted because this life is so short, and by the time I know it he will be graduating High School (tears are now forming, ugghhh). 

So to change the subject, so I don't have a personal waterfall in my bed, I will give you an amazing recipe! Food always cheers me up! Especially if it's sugary goodness. Last night I made a Snickers Salad. SO GOOD. I was intimidated to make it because, well 1, I've never made it before, and 2, I was serving it to the missionaries in the 20 mins after making it. But it turned out to be a big hit. I had our 2nd set of missionaries cut up the apples, and one of them from the 1st set, cut up the snickers. Then once it was mixed, I put it in the fridge for 20/30 minutes. Enchiladas, & Mexican Rice go with Snickers Salad.. Right? 

So, with all that said, it's been a good time the last few weeks, despite the egg fiasco. I'm hoping it warms up a bit so we can go outside, and possibly go for a walk. I'm not built for winters like these. 

Now, just as promised on my IG, here is the recipe. 

Snickers Salad 

1 (12 OZ or 12 L) Tub of Cool Whip 
1 package of Cream Cheese 
1 Cup of Powdered Sugar
4-6 Granny Smith Apples (or which ever apples you prefer, I used those) 
6 Bars of Snickers

(One of the missionaries said that if you freeze the snickers before you mix them in it makes them a bit harder, and crunchier. That way they don't fall apart, and go better with the apples. - I did not do this, and it worked fine for me. My teeth are pretty sensitive so I think the frozen ones would have hurt my teeth anyways.) 

1. Cut up Snickers & Apples into bite sized pieces. Set aside. 

2. Mix Cream Cheese & Powdered Sugar until blended. (I just use my Kitchen Aid) 

3. Blend in Cool Whip, and make sure it's all blended thoroughly. 

4. Fold in Snickers & Apples. (I wouldn't use a machine to mix them in (Kitchen Aid) just because you don't want it to smush the apples or tear up the Snickers) 

5. Place in Fridge for 1 hour to chill. (Or if you're on a time crunch, like I was, just throw it in the freezer for 10/20 mins) 

And there yah go! Yummy Snickers Salad! 


  1. Sad day for your car. But I'm just going to say I think you may or may not have done dumb things like this a kid too. Prob not in -30 degree weather true yiu weren't that dumb. That wouldn't even be fun. Unless of course they were throwing them from inside the warmth of a house? That would be dumb but stil fun. Did you check to see what direction the came from? Apt above? Neighbor kids?

    1. It was at Keags work. So that was the saddest part. There aren't any cameras around that area where he was parked either. Also, I may have done dumb stuff when I was younger - but not that dumb. I never damaged property. But whatev. It all came off anyways! :)

  2. Remember when my car and house got tagged with eggs? The common denominator here Ladies and Gentelman I think we have found the culprit. What happened Sue, Keags make you mad? Bad aim and you were targeting someone else? Maybe you suffer from sheer boredom? Well, whatever it was, Karma's a..., well, you know ;)
