Real Talk / My Faith Booster.

24 Mar 2014

Today was a very inspiring, faith boosting, special day. 

Renner took 2 steps all on his own. 
After he took those 2 fantastic steps he squatted down while looking at me, and smiled. I clapped, and praised him. He clapped along. Sweetest thing ever watching him clap. 

I attempted to get him to do it again a few minutes later. 
And what happened next was beyond tender..

I stood him up, coaxing him to come to me, but he just stood there. 
Staring up into absolutely nothing.
But was there actually nothing there? 
He smiled. Not just a normal smile for me, but the most precious, big smile I've ever seen on him. 
I tried to get him to walk to me, but he kept looking up towards the wall.. Just smiling. I look back, and immediately was overcome with warmth. I start smiling, turn back towards Ren and said, "Is your Poppy here?" (Poppy is my Dad's "Grandpa" name) He looked at me, then back to the spot.. The smile on his face a mile wide. 

I can feel my eyes start to burn with tears. 

"Ren, is Poppy here to see you really walk for the first time?" 
He squats down.. Too distracted to focus on walking. He crawls over to the spot he's been smiling at. He sits down, and starts laughing. The sweetest laugh I've ever heard. Then he starts clapping. Just grinning and laughing at the wall, and clapping. 

I am bawling sitting on the kitchen floor watching this sweet encounter. 
So overwhelmed with love. 

I can feel my Dad sometimes. Even if it's a brief bit of warmth. Just a reassurance that he is here. Renner, I know, can see him. He always has. Nothing makes me happier, or makes me feel more at peace than knowing Renner has my Dad watching over him. 

Having this gospel in our lives is such a huge blessing, to me personally. I know without a shadow of a doubt that I would be a complete wreck without it. It gives me peace, and an assurance that I will see my Dad again. 

Losing a loved one is so incredible hard. And whenever I am struggling, I
 get on my hands and knees, and I pray. 
I pray for Heavenly Father to give me strength, and courage to get through this. And ask that he will also provide me with warmth, and comfort so I feel less c
old from the sadness, and that I don't feel so alone. 

We all need a little bit of faith booster at times. And mine is that, I know that I will see all of my loved ones who have passed on, and who will pass on before me, again. 
But that's not to say that I don't miss him every single day. I do. But truthfully, although he is gone from this life, he will always be immortal to me here because I have a small piece of him crawling around our house. 

I see bits of him growing in Renner everyday. The way he smiles, and the creases around his eyes become more profound. The way his nostrils are a bit more rounder than Keagan's or mine. Even when he laughs or smiles, and I see a perfect mix of him and Keagan all around his precious face. 

Nothing is sweeter than that. 

"Be still, and know. That I'm with you."


  1. MMMMMMMMM!!!! i'm tearing up just reading. You are such a beautiful writer. I am so shocked at your capacity to share your testimony so boldly, beautifully and yet so naturally and casually. I feel so much warmth from your post. I feel so filled with happiness, and love, because I can feel your love for your Renner, and your Daddy. I'm so grateful you blog. Following!! :)

  2. (P.s. I seriously love the way you can write so candidly, openly, and simply about what you believe- where does that come from?) .. as I've been scanning your blog for the past half hour.. tryign to find every tidbit of testimony you've written about... it's sooooo inspiring. I want to "be like you" in sharing more about what i believe in my blog...

  3. JENNNNY. You have made my day, and I had no idea you had a blog! Oh I am so excited! Thank you so much :) You comment made me tear up. I like to think, I got my writing style from my Dad. He was a brilliant writer, and always knew the right way to put things, and make people understand where he was coming from, and feel what he was feeling. You have boosted my confidence in writing ten-fold though!

    I have always had a love for it, and having a blog is a perfect way for me to express everything I'm feeling. I love coming across "Real" blogs. You know what I mean? People who are just real, and themselves. No trying to stay on top, or be the best. Just writing what you feel at that moment. And that is what I want to do. I want people to relate to me, or get a sense of relief that they aren't alone in how they are feeling. You know?

    I just went and looked around your blog though, and it looks like your doing an amazing job at sharing your testimony! You have a light about you that radiates love, compassion, and full of the Spirit. I seriously love being around you!

    But seriously, thank you so much for commenting, and telling me all of that. :)
