These Are My Confessions..

24 Feb 2014

Monday Confessions.

1. I am crazy addicted to Red Hots. Canada has a cheap version of them that only come out during Valentines Day called Cinnamon Hearts. Well, it makes my heart hurt. But I still can't stop eating them.

2. I dropped my Mom off at the airport today. I have now spent the majority of the day crying. And eating cinnamon heart, and chocolate chip banana bread.

3. I am a momma's girl straight up. And I absolutely HATE being 20 hours away from her.

4. I'm learning how to crochet from the awesome girls YouTube channel called "iheartstitching". She's quite fantastic.

5. I have learned that I absolutely SUCK at crocheting. 

6. Our family is obsessed with a game called Jungle Speed. It's amazing. I get super competitive when we play it. I'm not a competitive person, but when we play it.. Be prepared to get slashed by my quickness.

7. A couple days ago I woke up in the middle of the night because my legs were super prickly, and I got up and shaved them. It was probably 2 in the morning. Keagan calls me insane.

8. Although I am super excited to sleep next to my husband again, since he gave my mom and I our bed, I will miss my mom giving me head massages every night till I fall asleep. I'm selfish.

9. I'm super sad/frustrated that Renner will say Dada a million times over, but REFUSES to say Mama. He even says CookCook for Cookie & JuJu for Juice. But no Mama. WHHYYY?

10. I drank a whole thing of Oasis Apple Juice in one sitting this past week. Which if you saw the jug, it's really not that impressive. Unless, I told you it was in within an hour. Yaah.

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