I Chose A New Name.

10 Feb 2014

As you can tell I have decided to change my blog name - for a couple reasons, but the main one is I wanted something fun, and something that will stick in peoples mind. When I come across a blog the first thing I notice is, obviously, the name. And I will be completely honest in saying that the names of blog is what either draws me in, or turns me away, and it's probably true for most people in that way. Anyways, the other day I came across this blog called "Rage Against the Minivan" - how freaking awesome is that! I loved it (Especially because I love the band Rage Against the Machine.) So it just got me thinking.. Is "Life As A Paisley" really as mind appetizing as I originally thought it was? I mean, its not a bad name by any means. But I wanted something that could last through the ages, and get people talking about it. I love sharing my everyday life, and my thoughts & feelings on certain subjects, and I wanted a name that would make people want to stay and read them.

So last week while I was bedridden, I just started writing different words down. I combined some, and rearranging different phrases. Some that applied to me personally, or to my family. At the time I was listening to my favorite band, Of Monsters and Men, and I literally stopped writing.. Lightbulb.

I chose it because it makes me smile. While I was contemplating it, all I kept thinking was all of the "monsters" that creep inside of my mind daily. I am constantly going through a battle of emotions as a mom. And sometimes not good ones. So while I was thinking about the name, "Of Monsters and Mom", I just thought how excellent it was because we all have "monsters" inside of us. Some of us are plagued with them more than others. But as mom's we all get our daily dose of it. And although sometimes we scare ourselves with our ridiculousness, we wouldn't want our life any other way than messy, imperfect, but full of love.

There was another reason... I am always surrounded by crazy monsters - My ultra hot husband, Renner, and of course, Roxy. But that's a completely different idea entirely. ;)

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