6-12 Months Essentials.

12 Feb 2014

I've decided to do an "Essentials" post! I love seeing what other moms are using, and how well it works for them and their babes. These are what I have been surviving on with Renner. They are my life savers, and he loves them. So here we go --

- 1. Of course we all need a high chair! I got one from my husbands sweet grandma, and its just one from Costco, but it works amazingly. It's quite cute too. My favorite part is that I can just take the tray off so I can just throw it in the dish washer. -- My mom just informed me that all high chair trays can come off so you can wash them. Guess you learn something new everyday when you're a new mom! Haha

- 2. Nuk Pacifiers. Words cannot describe how amazing these are. Pacifiers in general are an amazing invention. It's the only brand he will use, and that's okay. He keeps a paci clip on him all the time so he can just follow the line to put it in his mouth, and he loves it. And it's awesome at night time because he never loses it, and he doesn't cry in the middle of the night because he lost it.

- 3. FP Drums. Oh my good heavens if you don't or haven't gotten these drums for you babe seriously - stop what you're doing, and go get them. My sister gave them to me, and it is the BEST toy of my life. It's my probably one of my favorites of all the toys he has. He could sit there for hours hitting the top of the drums making music. It has 2 volumes on it, so if it gets too noisy you can turn it down. When I'm really stressed, and I absolutely have to get something done (like dishes, folding laundry, going to the bathroom, etc..) I'll put Renner in his crib with this bad boy and he will go to town smacking it and making music. It's a brilliant invention. And he never gets tired of it. You can also click a button and make it so they stack on top of each other. Seriously - Best. Toy. Ever.

- 4.  Heinz Baby Food Pouches. I usually just buy whatever brand is on sale, and I'm not that concerned if its organic or not. But we do use Heinz a lot, but Ren isn't that picky about it. I tried making my own baby food.. that didn't really go over too well. The only thing Renner doesn't like is meat ones. Which is fine since he's eating mostly table food anyways, and he gets his protein that way.

- 5. Simulac Formula. I nursed him until he was about 6 months old, and then my milk all dried up (thank you Thyroid). The only brand he would use was Simulac. Also, if you join the "Simulac Club" you get awesome coupons, and free samples - all that.

- 6. Mum Mum's! All I can say is YUM. If I would let him Renner would put that whole box away. He loves em'. He's gotten addicted to Arrowroot Biscuits too, but nothing can compare to his Mum Mums. They are just so convenient, and don't really leave very many crumbs. Which is monayy on road trips.

- 7. Aden & Anais Bamboo Swaddlers. Anything Aden & Anais is always good, but holy it can be expensive. But one thing I will say is it's a good investment. The Bamboo Swaddlers last forever, and can withstand all the torment that babies throw at them - poo, puke, milk, boogies, and all that good stuff. Renner has the peacock one. - Long story. I "stole" the peacock one from my sister a few years ago because I Ioved it as a scarf, and although it was a baby blanket it didn't really matter to me. But when I had Ren I thought, "hmm I wonder if he would like it, and it's covered in my scent.." - Well, he loves it. We got a couple other ones as baby shower gifts, and he loves them all. But his peacock blankie is his favorite one. It's the one we brought him home from hospital in, and it's pretty much never leaves his side. Unless I wash it. Which is occasionally,

- 8. BUMBOS. Looooove. They are incredible because when he was 6 months I would just plop him in that on the couch or on the floor, and he would sit in that for hours playing or watching me do whatever I needed to do. Saved me from having to always hold him all the time. He could play independently, and sit up, not having a care in the world.

- 9. His bouncer. Hours I can say he spent in this beaut. Just hopping, and spinning. He loved it. Now he's not that fond of it because he feels trapped, and can't get out of it. (Seriously that kid crawls everywhere. He's a speed crawlin' champ.) He still goes in it occasionally, but he's growing out of it. 

These are, some, of the things that helped me survive the 6-12 months of Renner's sweet little life. I do have to give props to things that weren't pictured above like - Gripe Water, Advil, Yo Gabba Gabba, shoes (all kinds), TV remotes, water bottles, phone cases, diapers, EOS lip balm balls, lip gloss tubes, mirrors, bath time, books, stuffies, Despicable Me (on those long teething nights), & countless of other things that can easily entertain the mind of a 6-12 month old.

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