Junk in the Purse.

18 Feb 2014

I don't own a lot of purses, but I do love them. The ones I do buy though have to be a certain style, and have a certain amount of pockets, and space for certain items. Especially now that I'm a mom, and I have to truck things around like diapers, wipes, some snacks, maybe a few bottles, etc.. I always have a crap load of stuff in my purse, and am constantly cleaning it out. Whether there are Arrowroot Biscuit crumbs all over the bottom of my purse, or all over my lip glosses or wallet, or there are tons of receipts or gum wrappers stashed. It gets ridiculous.

I have 2 main purses that I am constantly switching. My favorite one, that I am currently using, is a Nine West, over the chest purse that my sister gave me. It's seen a few season, and has some scuffs on and in it, but what favorite purse doesn't? The other one I use is a bit bigger, and I got it from Target when Renner was born because I needed one to be used as a diaper bag. (I hate the feel of the majority of diaper bags, and I wanted one that could be slung across my chest, but was big enough to hold bottles & baby food.)

Anyways, I didn't discard or add anything to the pile - I literally just dumped my purse on the table & organized it.

So as you see even though I keep it cleaned out regularly, but I still have some crap in it... like old Lifesaver Gummies..  So lets start down the list, and see what I've got hiding in there.

1. So first we have my purse, which I said I got from my sister - we traded. I love it. Its small, but not too small. And yah, I'm pretty much a magician. I could seriously fit anything in that purse. It's fantastic.

2. Simulac Formula coupons. These things have saved my life a few times. Sometimes I get 10 bucks off a formula jug or 5 bucks off. Either way, its still better than $23. And when they go on sale down to $18 or $15 - that is when things get amazing. Oh & my obsessing with Lifesaver gummies.

3. Diaper & Wipes. So many times have I left the house without them, and not refilled our car with more, and Renner has pooed. SO MANY TIMES. So then I end up buying more diapers, and grab & go wipes. It's depressing how many times. Almost as depressing as how many times I make a bottle at home, and then leave it on the counter.. and I have to buy another bottle.. and more formula. Thank you new mommy brain.

4. Then I have Renner's cute little gloves that came with his Dragosaur beenie (yah, not a "toque" - Keagan always gets on me about saying Toque instead of beenie. Sue me.) But I especially love these gloves because they don't have fingers. So he can't grab anything. Winner.

5. I have my mint Chevron wallet that I love, and also got from Target (I love Target, its my homeland - I seriously could be a Target spokesperson.), and it holds my iPhone in it, along with all my cards, & receipts. It's not super bulky, which I like, and if I'm just going shopping on my own I'll almost always just grab that - if I'm using my big purse at that time. But lets face it, I'm rarely alone.

6. I love React2 #5 gum. It is my absolute favorite. I always have a pack with me.

7. I have a special love for lip gloss, tints, lip sticks, sugar scrubs, & balm. On days I feel terrible, or don't want to put on tons of makeup, they can make me feel refreshed, and give my face some color. These are in my purse constantly, and are some of my favorite ones. My lips are always chapped. For some reason ever sense I've moved to Canada my lips are so chapped that they start peeling. It's the worst. So these are life savers. I'm also super picky about how things taste & feel on my lips. I can't handle sticky, or gross tasting ones.

Left to Right -

Urban Decay Lip Junkie - It came with my Naked 2 palette. I LOVE THIS. It's such a beautiful color, and makes my lips pop. I usually put my EOS lip ball (the blue one - it's mint) on first, and that way it goes on smoother, and makes my lips super soft.
Nivea Pearly Shine - I usually don't wear this with anything. It gives my lips a nice pink shimmer, and I'm good to go.
Maybelline Baby Soft Lips - I could own all of these lip balms they are so incredible. Whenever my lips are suffering super badly I use this and my EOS lip ball.
L'Oreal Infallible Beyond Blushing #129 - This is usually my go to lipstick for church. I don't wear it all the time, because its a pretty over powering color on my face, but it still is super pretty.
DuWop Lip Venom - Seriously best lip plumper of my life. It makes my lips tingle, and creates the perfect pout.
Victoria's Secrets Shiny Kiss Gloss Grapefruit Blast - I have always been in love with Victoria's Secret lip gloss since high school, and I will continue to always be a fan of this flavor, and brand.
Gosh On Stage - I'm not a big fan of this lip gloss unless I use it with lip balm, because it is kind of sticky. But I love the color.
L'Oreal Lipgloss - I forget what kind & flavor this was. It's been kicking around in my purse for quite a while. It's a nice pinky red shade, and it stays on for a good while because it tints my lips as well.
EOS Lip Balm - My favorite lip balm by far. It has practically healed my lips from tragic despair of cracking, and peeling. They have different flavors but my favorite ones are Mint, Strawberry, & Melon.

8. Tylenol. Enough said.

9. Victoria's Secret Incredible perfume. It's my favorite smell right now. I'm usually a Love Spell, & Charm kinda girl, but this has won my heart.

10. Randoms - Hair tie with bobby pins, a bracelet that my mom got for me, a Safeway & Superstore quarter and loonie shape for a cart, an actual Loonie ($1), 2 Quarters, a good luck spade that Keagan found on the side of the road for me, and a good luck Scarab from Egypt that my mother-in-law got for me.

11. My awesome Sephora mirror that I got for Christmas.

12. Pens. Can't go wrong with having those.

13. My Ray Bans glasses holder.

& last but not least -

14. My phone - But I was taking pictures with it, so it wasn't shown.

These are things that I am always carrying - Minus or plus a few other things. But now you know me on a somewhat "personal" level! Now I want to see what's in YOUR purse!

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