No-Bake Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies.

25 Apr 2014

Renner's favorite word is..
"Cook Cook"
It mean's / cookie.
{But truthfully, it's just an arrowroot biscuit.} 

Who doesn't love cookie?
I have been obsessed with No-Bakes.
Chocolate.. Oatmeal.. No baking involved..
It's a girl favorite treat.
Well, at least mine.

This is my all time favorite, go to recipe, when I am craving something
delicious, sweet, and chocolatey.

No-Bake Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies.

1/2 Cup  /  Butter 
(you can use coconut oil. i've done it before.)

2 Cups  /  Sugar

1/2 Cup  /  Milk

1 1/2 Cup  /  Chocolate Chips

1/2 Cup  /  Peanut Butter

3 1/2 Cup  /  Quick Cooking Oats

 2 tsp.  /  Vanilla

Directions /
1. Add the first 4 ingredients in a sauce pan.

2. Bring to rolling boil, and boil for 1 minute.

3. Stir in last 3 ingredients. 
(make sure peanut butter is melted)

4. Put wax paper/foil on cookie sheet, and drop spoon fulls on the sheet.

5. You can either put the the cookie sheet in freezer for 10 minutes, 
or just let sit out until it is cool.

6. EAT.

This recipe was found in my old, old Young Women's cook book.
It's one of my absolute favorites.
I just changed a couple of the ingredients.
Like chocolate chips, instead of cocoa.
And the coconut oil, instead of butter.

Amazing Friend & Some Photos.

17 Apr 2014

My amazing friend, Alyssa, did a photo shoot of Ren & me a few weeks ago. It was such a fun, and special time with me and my cute boy, just laying on our bed laughing, and just being real. He loves when I hold him up in the air, and when we are just snuggling.  

{If you look closely you can see a kiss on his cheek from my lipstick.} 
 I love candid photos like these, and Alyssa knows exactly what she is doing. 
This girl has some straight raw talent that she was blessed with. There are so many photographers in the world today, but not all of them can capture moments like these, and know the exact time to push the trigger, so your clients have that precious moment frozen forever. You have to feel the moment, and be in it with the person (people) you are trying to capture.
Her blog & website are /


"...and she loved a little boy very, very much --
                                          even more than she loved
- "The Giving Tree"

A Few Reasons.

 10 reasons why we hate Renner having a cast.
(Besides the obvious of him having a broken arm, I mean.)

1. He smashes everything with it. Not like an ordinary smash because he finds the noise appealing, although that is half the reason. I envision more of him using his Hulk voice yelling, "SMASH", while he beats things on repeat. / Like my or Keagan's face, Roxy's poor head, the sliding glass door, our TV, his wall next to his crib (when he wants up..), or really any surface that he can reach.

2. That sucker friggin' HURTS.

3. He has become faster. More agile. Probably from watching a lot of Turbo.

4. He acts like he is invincible - an unstoppable force. Like he is a freshly made man-droid on a mission.

5. None of his jammie onesie's with the long sleeves fit! Countless times I've contemplating just cutting off that specific arm sleeve so it fits him properly because they are too tight, or the material just sticks to the cast and won't go up.

6. When he gets really mad he bashes my face with it. (See number one.) 

7. It still hurts him, and he's teething. It's been a fun couple weeks for the little guy. So he's been struggling with sleep. Thank you ibuprofen. 

8. It is a horrible experience trying to get him to take a bath. Because we have to wrap it in a trash/grocery bag, and he screams when we do that. Pretty sure he will be traumatized until it gets taken off. But even the bag does keep the dang thing dry!

9. Because he won't let me hold that arm down, or even touch it, he won't let me clip his finger nails. They are Edward Scissor-hands long. / I've tried going in there when he is sleeping, but he always wakes up. Fail. 

10. He gets food on it. Constantly. 

Even though this thing is annoying for all of us, he still looks pretty dang cute in it.
Somethings I love about it though..

1. He's walking more and more.

2. He can reach the doorknobs, and is figuring out how to open them. But he can't get a full grasp because of his cast. It's too early for that anyways! 

Yeah, that's about it. Babies are so strong, and resilient. Beast status. 
1 week down / 2 more to go. 


9 Apr 2014

Renner was being abnormally grumpy yesterday. He had been refusing to take his morning naps, since our ER trip, and didn't take one that morning. He wouldn't eat. And cried whenever I left him alone. 

I was completely out of Advil. So, Keagan was going to pick some up on his way home from work. 
{He had the 6-3 shift. My favorite.} 
The dishes badly needed to be done, but he wouldn't let me put him down long enough so I could put them away. So I left them alone.  

We went into his room and I read to him while he sat in my lap and played with a few toys. This went on for about half an hour. It was almost noon, and he was acting super sleepy. While he was distracted by some toys, I took that chance to sneak out, and go make him a bottle. 

Yeaahh, that didn't work out to well. He immediately burst into tears. So while singing to him from the kitchen, while trying to make a bottle, and spilling milk all over the counter in the process, I left the milk open on the counter.. My bad.
I ran in his room, swooped him up, gave him his bottle, and laid him down. He went down rather easy because he was exhausted. 

It was 11:45AM. 

I tip toed out into the living room, and flopped on the couch. {The milk still sitting on our counter, open and exposed.} I started reading Divergent on my phone for a bit, but then I am overcome with exhaustion. I laid my phone down on the couch beside me, curl up with a blanket, and slowly drift to sleep. 

I woke up a few minutes later from my phone dinging. I had a missed call, and had a voicemail. 
..debt collectors again - was my inital thought. 
I dialed my voicemail, and sat back; Preparing myself for another "urgent business matter". But that's not what I got. 

It was the nice triage doc that treated Ren in the ER last Thursday. He said it is "very important" that I call him back as Renner's arm is broken, and if it's still bothering him we need to cast it. 

I truly believe something inside of me broke in that instant. Alarms went off inside my head, and I started shaking.

I called him back immediately, and as soon as I heard his voice.. Well, it felt like someone injected me with a hot dose of rage. Here was a man who had promised us profusely that his arm was not broken. That he just sprained it, and he will be fine. Yet here he is calling me 5 days later, saying he actually has a prominent fracture. I repeated back to him, "Prominent fracture?"  He spoke kindly to me. Sensing the obvious distress in my voice. He apologized for the radiologist not getting back to him sooner. He asked if Renner's arm was still bothering him. I said angrily, "He hasn't been sleeping since we came home from the ER." 

He told me to come back to the Emergency Department, and when we got there to have the nurses call him. "I'll get it casted, and we will leave it on for 2-3 weeks. But make sure they let me know you're here so you aren't waiting here forever." (Which we did tell the nurses. And still waited there forever. Go figure.) Then we hung up. 

I sat there for a few minutes by myself, in thought. Then I shouted, "I KNEW IT!"  I called Keagan. He didn't answer. So I sent him a text. Next, I called my mom. Which just involved more shouting of "I knew it", over & over. 

I was completely baffled, and stunned as to why it took almost a week. I terrified myself with the anger I was dishing out, but I couldn't control it either. Here was my precious one year old baby, crawling around on a broken arm. 
In pain. Telling me in the only way he knew how that he was in pain, and hated his life. 
And I just couldn't understand him. 

Rage. Guilt ridden. Sickened. And so beyond sad, were the only emotions I could muster. 
Keagan finally answered his phone. 

I shout, "He has a freaking broken arm!"
(Again, my favorite word)


"Renner. He has a broken arm. The doctor just freaking called me, and "apologized" that he didn't back to me sooner. I'm so beyond livid.
(Like he couldn't tell by my voice.) 

He calmed me down. Said he will be home by 3, and we will take him in after that. I had told him that I told the doctor that we will be there by 3:30, and to try to be home as fast as he could so we are there by then. (We had our missionaries coming over that afternoon/evening.) While pacing the house, I finally noticed the milk out, and put it away. / I was definitely winning the Mom Award, fo sho.

Ren slept from 11:45 till 2:30. I was impressed, and so relieved that he finally slept. He woke up pretty happy, and was very snuggly and loving. I rocked him, and got him some food to eat. As long as he was on my lap, he ate.

Keagan didn't get home till 3:40. Which was a bummer because we didn't get to the hospital till 4. It was packed. But luckily we didn't have to wait that long in the waiting room. We did however, have to wait in the hallway for an hour because the doctor, who walked by us multiple times, didn't recognize us. Finally, after a nurse said something to him, he did. 

Now I will say this / For every single parents who has ever had a baby break a limb, and had to get it cast, You. Are. A. Champion. It was so awful. Pinning Renner down so she could wrap his arm up. He thrashed, and screamed the whole 15 minutes. When it was finished I just held, and sang to him. We were so happy to leave, and to just be down with the hospital for a while.

The doctor didn't even talk to us, which upset me. A lot. I plan on going back, and going straight to Medical Records to get what exactly the radiologist said in his report, and get the x-ray of his arm. If anything, but for peace of mind.

Renner is much happier with it on. He is able to crawl around better, and you can tell he's feeling better. 

I can't help feeling a twinge of guilt when I see it on him though. But that comes with the gig of being a mom. We all feel guilty with things that happen beyond our control, especially when these things happen to our babies. But I have given all of my frustration, and guilt to Heavenly Father. When those feelings of rage started to die, I immediately knelt in prayer for forgiveness, strength, and comfort. I had such a feeling of peace afterwards. He is with us all the time, and that brings me comfort in general.

So for now, I will be giving extra snuggles to the cutest boy with a broken arm.

{ Our missionaries tatted up his cast. #staythug }

Why I Blog.

7 Apr 2014

I have been asked multiple times;

Why do you blog?
What's in it for you?
& Why do you love it so much?  

{These are my answers.}

"Why do you blog?"

I like to think this blog is not so much about me but more about the things that inspire me.
It helps me grow, and has taught me more about myself, and life.. 
It has helped me to learn to become vulnerable, and see things in a different light. 
We all have been through the ringer in our lives.
And we all can relate to each other. In one way, or another. 

I want this to be a place of comfort, inspiration, and love, with dash of humor.
For myself, and anyone who wants to be apart of it.

"What's in it for me?"

I get to express myself in a real, genuine way.
I'm not going to pretend to be someone I'm not.
I love writing about being a mom and wife, and a lot of different things on how I'm feeling on a personal level, because they are what makes me - Me.   

Writing on my blog helps me learn how to express myself in a whole new way. 
Blogging is for others, as much as is it for myself, and family.

So, what's in it for me?
I get to share my experiences, successes, failures, love, loss..
It comforts me. And it comforts others, because they know, they aren't alone in how they feel.

We are all real people, with real stories.
And this is a piece of mine.

        "Why do you love it so much?"

Writing is my passion
I love writing my real, raw feelings, and thoughts out. 
It has become a safe place for me to go, and write about what I feel I need too. 
{Share my personal testimony of God, about being a wife, the birth of our son, struggles, anything motherhood..}
I enjoy going through different blogs, and learning about others, so much. 
I love reading their stories, and the magic in their lives.

No one has a picture perfect life.
Mine is full of trials, and tribulations scattered all over the map.
But that is what makes life more beautiful, and special. 
When we experience real pain, only then can we experience real joy.

Life is beautiful, and scary.
And I wouldn't want mine any other way.

Find your inspiration. Search and discover your talents.
It's amazing what you learn about your life, the more you take time to live it.

You Will Never Be This Loved Again.

5 Apr 2014

I knew something was wrong.

Ren had fallen eariler that day. 
A pretty bad one. 
He didn't react to it like he usually does. 
Which is cry for a couple minutes, then move on. 
I had to take him on a walk to clear his head, and make him feel better. 
We had just gotten, and I had laid Renner in bed to take his afternoon nap when I heard him start screaming.
That blood curdling scream. And you immediately know. Something isn't right.
I rushed into his room to see his arm entangled in his crib bars, and I slowly pull him out.

I didn't really think to much of it, because this wasn't the first time this had happened.
Rogue came to investigate. Usually whenever she is around Renner gets so excited, but he wasn't.
He tried to pet her with his right arm, stopped midway, and then started crying.
 I put him on the ground while I grabbed his blankie, and noticed he couldn't put his full weight on that arm.
He fell to his right every time he tried to crawl.

My heart sank. I felt absolutely sickened.
I didn't know if he was falling because of the fall he had, or his arm got twisted in the bars. 

I called Keagan in to come and see what was happening.
Naturally, he wanted to see what Ren was doing, but I was so protective that I snapped because
I knew what was going to happen, and I didn't want to cause him anymore pain.
But Keagan was so loving, and calm. I let Ren crawl. He fell on his right side, and started crying.
I swooped him up, and held him to calm him down. 
I told Keagan we're going to the hospital. Now.
I really don't think we've ever gotten ready, and in the car that fast before.

I wanted to go to the Stollery's Children Hospital, but the Whitemud {quickest road to get there} was completely packed bumper to bumper. So, we just decided to go to the Misericordia - it's right down the street from us, and it was the hospital that he was born in.

We get him checked in, and was told to go take a seat in the waiting room.
We had a lot of really nice people there with us. Which made it bearable.
They made Renner laugh, as much as he could.
I think that was Heavenly Father's way of saying,
"This is why you weren't meant to go to the Stollery. To meet these amazing people. And to be comforted by them."
2 1/2 hours later, we finally get called back to see a triage doctor.
He wanted to take some x-rays, and he was thinking that it could be his collarbone, but he wasn't sure.

Finally, he gets called to go get x-rays.
I take him back by myself. Since it was only going to be a few minutes.
I told the x-ray techs that it was his wrist, and forearm that seems to be hurting the worst, and that they should x-ray that as well.
They said they would call the doctor after the collarbone one.

It was awful.

I felt like a mother lion pacing back and forth in front of the X-Ray room.
He was screaming so loud. So painfully.
I was holding onto his shirt so tightly my knuckles were white.
Onlookers were sympathetic.
But the kindest lady to me was a porter, who had brought me and Ren to the x-ray area.
She was so loving, and stood with me while we waited for them to be done. 

When they opened the door, I was greeted by a smile, and tears weld up in his eyes.
He was holding a cute sticker.
They handed him to me, and he clung to me for dear life.
Whimpering, and nuzzling his head in my shoulder.

The doctor came, and looked at the collarbone x-rays.
He didn't see anything, so he wanted to do more.
I brought Ren back into that dimly lit room, and laid him on the hard surface.
Immediately the tears came back, and he grabbed onto my hoodie.
Desperate for me to hold him again.
Tears flooded my eyes.
They asked me to leave, and I turned around and walked out the door.

Then began the longest 10 minutes of my life.
I don't think I've ever felt so protective than in those dreadful moments.
I wanted to bust the door down, and attack everyone causing my baby to cry that hard.
I knew the contraption they were strapping him in was hurting him.
I could hear it. And they couldn't soothe him as well as I could.
I felt so sick. So helpless. So sad. So guilty.
I just wanted to hold him.

Finally they were done.
They opened the door, and there was that smile again.
I grabbed him, and he started crying.
But not a sad cry. Almost like a, "where have you been?" whimper.
They told us to wait for the porter to lead us back to the waiting room.
The doctor will find us to tell us the results in a few.

I showed him the paintings on the wall while I rocked and sang to him.
He calmed down. Gave the nice older couple a smile, 
while they reassured him he was safe.
He was in mom's arms now. And he was safe.

The sweet lady came, and found us again. She got Ren to smile, even giggle at her.
She told me of how her son had fallen many times.
Busted his head open 3 days before his 1st birthday. Broken his arm a week before his second.
"It never ends sweetie", she said. "It hurts us way more than it hurts them."
Ain't that the truth.

As soon as I saw Keagan I felt immediate relief.
He tried to hold Renner, but he wouldn't let go of me.
We waited for 30/45 minutes when the doctor came back around.

His arm wasn't broken.
But it's badly sprained.
He told us to give him Advil every 6 hours, until his arm heals.
Which should be in a week or 2.
Relief washed over me.
Nothing was broken.
Just sprained.

He didn't see the need to cast it, or sling it because Renner would find that more annoying than the actual sprain itself.
So just keep his activities minimum, and make sure he rests that arm.

I laughed to myself. Good luck, was all I was thinking. 
Renner is beyond active.
Even today, after everything he went through, he still is determined to crawl.
If only a split second on that right hand, he does.
We've been encouraging walking a lot more now.
But he just hobbles on his knees to get around now.
Oh how I love him, and his determination.

My sister in law, Becky, told me // Welcome to the Mothers Club!
Apparently, now I'm a member, haha. Like I wasn't already after giving birth.
But now I'm initiated.
I feel honored to be apart of it.

There is a silent, almost, unspoken bond between us mothers.
We are there for each other.
We cheer each other on.
Are there for one another.
Never judging. Always loving.
We all make mistakes.
We all have raging moments. And moments of pure bliss.
We have messy houses, unmade beds, toys spewed across the floor,
puke in our hair, poo on our clothes.. sometimes couch, unbrushed hair.. and teeth,
more dirty laundry than clean..
But we are also full of an undying love.
Love for our babies. These magnificent creatures that we grew inside our bodies.

I am grateful for these feelings of protection for my sweet boy.
I am grateful for the ways that motherhood pushes me beyond my limit.
I am grateful for the unconditional love, and support from my husband.
I am full of more love than I ever have been in my entire life.
And I am so blessed for all of it.

"You will never be this loved again. So on those days when you are feeling stressed out, touched out, and depleted; Just remember that you will never be this loved again. One day you will long for their affection. So choose a soft voice. Choose a gentle hand. Choose love."
- AK