A Few Reasons.

17 Apr 2014

 10 reasons why we hate Renner having a cast.
(Besides the obvious of him having a broken arm, I mean.)

1. He smashes everything with it. Not like an ordinary smash because he finds the noise appealing, although that is half the reason. I envision more of him using his Hulk voice yelling, "SMASH", while he beats things on repeat. / Like my or Keagan's face, Roxy's poor head, the sliding glass door, our TV, his wall next to his crib (when he wants up..), or really any surface that he can reach.

2. That sucker friggin' HURTS.

3. He has become faster. More agile. Probably from watching a lot of Turbo.

4. He acts like he is invincible - an unstoppable force. Like he is a freshly made man-droid on a mission.

5. None of his jammie onesie's with the long sleeves fit! Countless times I've contemplating just cutting off that specific arm sleeve so it fits him properly because they are too tight, or the material just sticks to the cast and won't go up.

6. When he gets really mad he bashes my face with it. (See number one.) 

7. It still hurts him, and he's teething. It's been a fun couple weeks for the little guy. So he's been struggling with sleep. Thank you ibuprofen. 

8. It is a horrible experience trying to get him to take a bath. Because we have to wrap it in a trash/grocery bag, and he screams when we do that. Pretty sure he will be traumatized until it gets taken off. But even the bag does keep the dang thing dry!

9. Because he won't let me hold that arm down, or even touch it, he won't let me clip his finger nails. They are Edward Scissor-hands long. / I've tried going in there when he is sleeping, but he always wakes up. Fail. 

10. He gets food on it. Constantly. 

Even though this thing is annoying for all of us, he still looks pretty dang cute in it.
Somethings I love about it though..

1. He's walking more and more.

2. He can reach the doorknobs, and is figuring out how to open them. But he can't get a full grasp because of his cast. It's too early for that anyways! 

Yeah, that's about it. Babies are so strong, and resilient. Beast status. 
1 week down / 2 more to go. 

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