Why I Blog.

7 Apr 2014

I have been asked multiple times;

Why do you blog?
What's in it for you?
& Why do you love it so much?  

{These are my answers.}

"Why do you blog?"

I like to think this blog is not so much about me but more about the things that inspire me.
It helps me grow, and has taught me more about myself, and life.. 
It has helped me to learn to become vulnerable, and see things in a different light. 
We all have been through the ringer in our lives.
And we all can relate to each other. In one way, or another. 

I want this to be a place of comfort, inspiration, and love, with dash of humor.
For myself, and anyone who wants to be apart of it.

"What's in it for me?"

I get to express myself in a real, genuine way.
I'm not going to pretend to be someone I'm not.
I love writing about being a mom and wife, and a lot of different things on how I'm feeling on a personal level, because they are what makes me - Me.   

Writing on my blog helps me learn how to express myself in a whole new way. 
Blogging is for others, as much as is it for myself, and family.

So, what's in it for me?
I get to share my experiences, successes, failures, love, loss..
It comforts me. And it comforts others, because they know, they aren't alone in how they feel.

We are all real people, with real stories.
And this is a piece of mine.

        "Why do you love it so much?"

Writing is my passion
I love writing my real, raw feelings, and thoughts out. 
It has become a safe place for me to go, and write about what I feel I need too. 
{Share my personal testimony of God, about being a wife, the birth of our son, struggles, anything motherhood..}
I enjoy going through different blogs, and learning about others, so much. 
I love reading their stories, and the magic in their lives.

No one has a picture perfect life.
Mine is full of trials, and tribulations scattered all over the map.
But that is what makes life more beautiful, and special. 
When we experience real pain, only then can we experience real joy.

Life is beautiful, and scary.
And I wouldn't want mine any other way.

Find your inspiration. Search and discover your talents.
It's amazing what you learn about your life, the more you take time to live it.

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