Goals. Goals. Goals.

6 Nov 2013

I have never been one to set goals, much less complete the little ones I actually do set. It's always been a huge fault of mine. Maybe fault is the wrong word, but its definitely a big shortcoming of mine. And I say that with the utmost honesty. But ever since we have had Renner I have felt a switch click on. Kind of feels like an electric surge through my body. I've felt more motivated, and confident in completing the tasks and challenges that have been placed in front of me.

So continuing with that frame of mind, and picturing me really never completing an important goal, minus graduating High School and Seminary, imagine my surprise when I was overwhelmed with this extremely strong prompting to complete a very important goal. That goal was to completely finish the Book of Mormon from start to finish. (For those who have no idea what that is, or have heard of it, and might not think its worth your time, I promise you it is.I encourage you to click the link, and find the truth for yourself.)

I have read the BOM plenty of times, even went through it for seminary, but never have I sat down and really read or studied what I was reading. I'm barely making it out of 1st Nephi now, and I can see the difference in my life. I have felt more at peace, more loving, and even feeling stronger in my testimony. There is more of a light in my life. I have lived without this light for so long in my life, and only had a brief experience with it when I was younger, and while living in Texas. But now its a different feeling. Being married to Keagan has been an incredible change, and has brought so much happiness in my life I can't even begin to describe, and having Renner has made it even more blissful.

When we found out my Dad was sick with cancer, and maybe only had a few months left I felt like someone just punched me in the gut. So I did what a lot of people do in troubling times; I clung to the scriptures like they were my life raft. Then after he died I dwindled away from them. Read them only when necessary, or just at church. Never just for me, or for my family. My guess is because I was never brought up with the thought that they are there for you to read at anytime. To either receive personal revelation, help keep you afloat with difficult times, keep you feeling strong, or just make your life brighter. Ever since I made it a personal goal of mine to read and study them its made me happier. Not that I'm an unhappy person, but it just makes everything around me feel lighter, and feel closer to my Heavenly Father.

Growing up I was clueless to a lot all of the basic stories of the Book of Mormon, and even a lot of the Bible stories that most people know. So while making it my goal to read it, and not just skim it, I'm going to really study, and focus on what is being said, and pray when I am struggling - Or just ask my amazingly, sexy husband. But the thing is I'm not just doing it though for my own knowledge and spirituality, although that is a huge part of it, I'm mostly doing it for my family. They deserve it. Leaving it at that, let me share my favorite scripture: Moroni 10. It brings me a sense of hope, and reverence.

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