One Hundred Things.

16 Nov 2013

My Facebook has been blowing up about all of these "things you might not know about me" post, and to be quite honest, I think it's a pretty awesome idea. I believe that one of the reasons why we are on this beautiful Earth is to get to know people on a personal level. And since our Facebook is supposedly filled with our closest friends, or just plain ole people you like to Facebook-Stalk, why not share some personal things about yourself that other people might not know about you? Yeah, there will be the haters, and the non-conformers, and that's great. Good on em'. But to me, I like the idea. I like reading about other people, and finding out random things about them.

Now, on that note, I've decided that instead of posting them to my Facebook I'd rather dedicate this blog post to some obvious, and not so obvious 100 things about me. Now is 100 things waaay overly excessive? Probably. But I know that I would love to read 100 things about someone else. So, here we go - 

1. A // I wear yoga pants/leggings as pants. And I love it.
1. B// I am the youngest out of 6 kids, and definitely the coolest ;) 

2. Bubble baths save my life, almost, every night. When I'm not excruciatingly tired to make one. If I am I just end up crawling to bed.

3. I could read the Percy Jackson series on repeat. So amazing! It lets me indulge in my Greek mythology love, and has an awesome story line. 

4. I love organizing, and cleaning. When my house is messy.. well, the Mommy Monster might make an appearance. I'm getting better at reigning her in though. Breathing helps.

5. I met Keagan while he was on his mission in San Antonio, Texas.

6. Candles warm my soul. I wish my house was completely engulfed by them. 

7. Besides reading, painting makes me the happiest. I've always used oil paints, but recently started to dabble with acrylics, and have fallen deep in love with them. 

8. I dropped out my Senior Year (12th Grade) of High School, and was just planning on getting my GED, and do something in cosmetology. But was shipped off to Texas to live with my brother, his wife, and 4 kids to regain my life back. It was my own personal military boot camp.  And one of the best things that could of happened.

9. I'm a chill person, and don't really take offence too much. Unless, we are playing Jungle Speed. But that's a different situation entirely. 

10. I have Stage 4 endometriosis, and was told I wouldn't be able to get pregnant. But a year after being told that, we found out that I was pregnant with Renner. Despite all the risks, and the hell that I went through with pregnancy, I was able to, somewhat, carry to full term. Renner weighed 7 lbs 2 OZ, and was 3 weeks early. 

11.  I was legally adopted by my brother and sister in law when I was 18. 

12. I am addicted to Captain Crunch.  Sugar cereals are my absolute favorite. 

13. I have lived in 4 different States, and 1 Province.
California (where I was born), Idaho, Montana, Texas.
Alberta - Raymond, Calgary, & Edmonton.

14. My favorite color is turquoise. Actually, all of those bright blues & teals I love. 

15. I wouldn't necessarily call myself a "gamer", but I love Call of Duty. All of those shooting type games are my favorite. Besides Final Fantasy VII. 

16. I fluctuate with different types of music I listen too.

17. Supernatural is my TV obsession. I've been a loyal fan since the 2nd season, and I can't stop. It's amazing. Team Dean all the way! But in all seriousness my favorite shows are Supernatural, Bitten, Arrow, Scandal, Bones, The Walking Dead, Vampire Diaries, Pretty Little Liars, and possibly.. Gossip Girl &  (guilty pleasure).  

18. I'm the type of person who loves to just hang out by myself, and do my own thing.

19. We have a pup named, Roxy. & Titus the Cat,

20. Dr. Pepper is the best drink on this planet. Besides water because you need that to survive. But Dr. Pepper does have water in it, so that counts right? At least that's what Keagan always says. 

21. I did not want to live in Edmonton. It was too far away from my family, and I couldn't think about being away from them. I especially hated the idea of how much snow they get in the winter time. But now I am starting to love it. 

22. I am a huge klutz. 

23. Along with having Endometrosis, I have Pelvic Congestion Syndrome, and Graves' disease. 

24. I am a Mormon. My family are all converts, except for me. I was baptized when I was 8, but my mom and dad never really went to church, or pushed me to go to church. So I fell away for most of my life, but I have regained my testimony, and it's the strongest it's ever been. I love the gospel, and my Heavenly Father. 

25. My dad is my best friend, and my everything. He passed away September 4, 2012. It deeply saddens me that he is gone from this life, but I know with a surety that I will see him again. 

26. I hate snow. That word actually might sound kinder than how I really feel in that statement.

27. I have a hard time not telling people how I feel. I can't sweep things under the rug like some people. It would drive me insane. 

28. Going on walks is one of my favorite things. I would go on a walk every single night if I could. Minus in winter time. Unless I'm living in Texas. 

29. I love smelly sprays! Right now I am loving Victoria's Secret Incredible. 

30. All of the women on my moms side were all forced into being sex slaves. We all hear the word prostitute, and automatically think that it's a job of choice. Sometimes it is, but in most cases it's not. The women in my family for over 100 years were forced into it. My mom stopped it. She wouldn't let my older sister and I go down that path. 

31. With that being said, my amazing sister and her husband started a charity called Child Rescue/Backyard Broadcast which sole purpose is to combat sex trafficking/slavery. It's incredible how common it is in our world today. Even in North America. It's horrible. I encourage you to go check their site out. Get involved! Get sex slavery abolished! There is a link to it over on the left side bar.

32. I love flowers. As, I've gotten old I've learned to appreciate them a lot more.
32a. But for our wedding, I wanted something different. So, instead of my bouquet having flowers, they were all feathers. Ostrich, New Guinea Fowl, Rooster, Peacock, etc.. I loved it so much. 

33. I love doing laundry. I will do it all day, everyday with a huge smile on my face. I just despise cleaning the bathrooms. They gross me out on the highest level. 

34. We are a zombie loving family. Keagan and I are always talking about what we would do if that ever did happen, where we would go, and all that. 

35. I am obsessed with all things makeup. I am picky about some of the smells that certain liquid foundations have, and also, the taste of all lipsticks and lip glosses. But I'm sure that's everyone. Right? Anyways, I love Sephora, MAC, Ulta (but we don't have it in Alberta), and most drugstore brands. I should do a "My Favorites" post so you guys can see what products I love the most.  

36. I love houses with mantels and fireplaces. I also love decorating our mantel. It is heaven. I think they are my favorite things in the home, besides the bathtub and lots of windows. 

37. There isn't a month.. week.. shoot, even day that goes by where I haven't hurt myself or sent to the hospital. It's quite obnoxious how often I break something or get super deathly sick. 

38. I see the positives in situations. I try not to get too stressed, because I know things will always work out. The only thing that really does stress me out is our house not being clean. Which is a horrible reason to stress. I find that when I do stress it just causes contention, and makes me feel irritated. Not a good way to feel. 

39. I love the feeling of clean sheets. It's the best feeling when you are dead tired, and you crawl into bed, and just feel all of the cleanliness and smell the yummy fabric softeners. Even though that might only happen once a week.. Or two. 

40. I love all animals, bugs, and reptiles. Minus spiders. My dad would take us kids out rattlesnake and lizard hunting out in the back deserts of Lancaster. We would always try and find the California King snakes. Those were the winners. 

41. I love the feeling of sand on my feet. Growing up in California I had the amazing priviliege of being able to go to the beach all up the coast near Santa Monica, and it was amazing. The sun and sand.. I miss it. Keagan has never seen the ocean. It's on our bucket list to go on a vacation to a beach somewhere. 

42. I love working on cars. Something about the smell of an oil and gas spilled garage makes me feel like I'm at home. It's the best. 

43. I love muddy colors. I find that turquoises and earthy browns are the prettiest colors to me.

44. I hate wearing socks. It makes me feel super claustrophobic, unless they are fuzzy socks. I also hate folding and matching socks which is why you will see me wearing unmatching ones most of the time. Keagans are pretty hard to mess up. They are all black. Makes my job of washing, folding, and keeping them together a lot easier. 

45. I love old antique shops, and thrift stores. 

46. I wish I had the speaking skills to be a teacher of some sort because I love teaching. 

47. I have a unique sense of humor, and I most definitely think I am funnier than I actually am. 

48. I view myself as being artisty, even though I'm not entirely sure what that means. 

49. I wear yoga pants, and leggings 98% of the week. They are so comfy, and I can wear them with all sorts of styles. But I do love wearing jeans as well. They just aren't as comfy. 

50. I have always been a pretty confident person, except when I was about to get married to Keagan. I was terrifed that something I did would scare him off, or I would do something wrong, and it would all fall apart. But no matter what I threw at him, all he did was pull me closer. And it is through him that I find out everyday what true, deep love really is. Corny, yeah. But true.

51. I am in love with energy drinks.

52. I tend to go back to different blog post, and change them. Why? I don't know. I'm a weird non-perfectionist/perfectionist.

53. I hate wearing socks. They literally make me want to cringe.

54. I get dirty looks when I tell people I got married at 20, and had my first baby at 21. Apparently some people don't have better things to do except judge. Oh well! I love that I got married, and started having babies young. Means I'll get more time with my husband when we are older.

55. I tell people how it is because I think having unresolved feelings just hinder a relationship, and cause hard feelings.

56. I don't get stressed out super easy, but when I have a screaming baby in my arms for a few hours - all bets are off.

57. I love Gerber Daisies, and recently, Orchids. 

58. I've had 6 surgeries. Some serious, some random, and some pointless.

59. There isn't a sound I hate worst than a nail file. I literally burns my entire being.

60. I love getting dressed for church. I hate the waking up part of it (when its at 8:30/9), but I love creating different outfits.

61. I could find a passion in buying lingerie.

62. I love the smell of shoe stores. I could stay in there for hours.

63. I don't think anyone has the type of relationship that Keagan and I have. It's quite unique, and I love it.

64. I love to argue opinions, and have meaningful conversations about others opinions.

65. I don't love ignorant ass-hats who shove their opinions down my throat just to be, ass-hats.

66. If I could be any person in a TV show it would be Donna from Suits. She is my absolute favorite, and hilarious.

67. I love Tim Hortons Hot Chocolate (with 2 creams) & Caramel Apple Danish. I could live off of them.

68. I think buying Keagan ties is one of my favorite things to shop for. He's quite difficult to shop for when it comes to clothes, but ties - I can do.

69. I love going out to eat at nice restaurants.

70. Swirl frosty's with M&M's are the best! I encourage all to try it at least once.

71. I've fallen in love with bread that has grains in it. I've always eaten all white bread my whole life, and now I'm finally starting to eat like a rabbit. My mom is so proud.

72. I Instagram way more than I should.

73. I like writing Family Budgets.

74. I hate following the Family Budgets. I can hear Target calling my name right now...

75. I have terrible eye sight, and when I finally got glasses in my Senior year of High School.. I lost them. And it only took 4 years later to get another pair, and I'm quite in love with them. Hopefully I don't lose these. ...I need contacts.

76. I love having FUN! I'm a bit of a homebody, but secretly, I love going out and dancing like nobody's bidness.

77. Sometimes I pretend like I'm hardcore when I'm driving. Then I turn around and see the cutest little boy looking at me, and smiling. I melt. Hardcore status obliterated.

78. I have way too much gray, and black in my closet.

79. I have always struggled with reading my scriptures. But I'm getting better at it.

80. I know it's a bit cliche, but I have always wanted to go to Paris. It's my dream spot to live, visit, vacation, live.. One day.

81. I'm kind of addicted to buy mirrors. Not in a vain kind of way. But I just love how they look. Especially the old, or awesome frames around it. Maybe I'm just obsessed with the actual frame.

82.  I love Popcorn & Almond M&M's. SO GOOD.

83. My favorite type of purses are the sling across  kind.

84. I'm a Freelance Designer.

85. I HATE dolls. If we ever have a girl, and she wants a baby doll I don't think I will be able to buy it for her.. I am terrified of them. Thank you Chucky.

86. Giraffes are our family animal.

87. I love the idea of going on a road trip. I don't hate the actual tripping part, I just get really claustrophobic and sick feeling from being cramped in a car.

88. I use to always wear my hair straight in high school. But now that my hair is the longest its ever been it's taken to its natural wave. Which I've always thought was ugly - but now I dig it.

89. I loved high school. I hated the actually going, and most of the people, but I loved the learning and I miss it quite a lot.

90. I love bird cages, and birds in general. I find them quite graceful, and beautiful.

91. I can't go to bed without Keagan. I actually find it quite romantic waiting up for him when he has his late night shift, and we go to bed together. It might change as we get older, and I get more tired, but for now it works for us.

92. I love chalkboard paint! I think it's the best invention.

93. I find that Costco polish dogs are in my top favorite foods.

94. I love reading in an actual book. Nothing better than the smell of a new book, and the feel of the pages.

95. I have a problem with losing hair ties. I think I need to buy new ones every month. Its horrible.

96. Although I love the heat of the sun, nothing can compare to the moon, and stars true beauty.

97. I have the memory of a goldfish. If I don't write it down, I will almost always forget.

98. Weeping Willows are my favorite trees.

99. I love being an adult. I find it quite awesome at times. The whole paying bills, and "being" responsible kinda gets in the way sometimes, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I love getting older.

100. I find it absolutely ridiculous that I actually came up with 100 things about me.  

Some of these are trivial things, but it's what makes me, me. I can't describe all of who I am in a few numbers, but this does give you a little bit of an idea. Humans are complex creatures, and we all have our little quirks and fun facts, but I don't know if we will ever be able to decipher the mind completely. But at least that's what keeps things interesting!

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