11 Months.. & A Bit.

21 Jan 2014

It has been quite a long time since I've posted anything. It's just been a crazy few months with Christmas, and New Years. But I'm back!

Things have been pretty quiet around the Paisley Household. Christmas decorations are gone, but it snow is still falling. All in all, it's been a pretty boring winter. Well.. Winter to me is always boring. I don't snowboard, or ski, and basically slip every time I walk outside. Seriously. It literally takes me 10 minutes to walk out to the parking lot to get in our car. But when you live in Canada you basically have no choice but to master your coordination skills when walking on ice. 

Anyways, on another note, I am absolutely in love with Ren, and watching him grow up in front of me brings me so much joy. I can't believe he's going to be 1 in a month. Freak. It's scary. But exciting. Me with a 1 year old - oh man. He's hasn't walked yet. But he's getting there. He's practically scaling the walls already, and trying to balance, but he's got a huge ole head so it kind of throws him off a bit. I mean the kid is in 18-24 month old clothes already - he's huge. 

Now every month I put a most recent picture of Ren on Instagram and write from his point of view of what has been going on the past month, and what he has learned, and done. Here is this months :) - 

"So, I totally skipped last month. I was a bit busy snowboarding, and eating wrapping paper. So I will just do a little catch up - I'm everywhere, and anywhere I want to be. If I'm not trying to scale the walls or dig into my mom's purse, I'm trying to eat Roxy's food.
I've become pretty talented at escaping. Whether its diaper changes.. which mom has to hold me down with her legs - or getting out of a tricky situation involving getting dressed. I'm practically a newborn Houdini. 
I'm a super fast crawler too. I should win some sort of medal for it. I've been beginning to stand up on my own for about.. 30 seconds. Then I slowly go down. I've been pushing my big toys around, and walking around with them. Walking around the table, and holding Dads hand is sissy stuff. I'm trying to take it to the big leagues, and walk on my own. 
Roxy absolutely loves me. She comes and greets me every morning, and I yell - Ga-Ga! Every time I see her. Dad thinks it means I want something, but I'm really trying to tell her is, "I'm going to body slam you with love as soon as I get out of my cage, and drool all over your face." I'm still sleeping in my bed, and sleeping all the way through the night. I love my sleep, and usually don't get up till 9-10 ish. It's fantastic. 
I haven't been wanting to eat food lately. Pretty sure my top teeth are coming in. Not fun people. But all in all, I'm gonna be 1 in a month, and I am so excited. Mom and dad are kinda sad, but I'm almost 1! It's a big step, literally. 
Until my birthday homies! ✌️" 

Weight: 27.5 Pounds
Height: 29 Inches
Shoe Size: 7
Clothes Size: 12-18 Months

Pulls himself up, and walks along furniture 
Says ; Baba - Dada - Gaga (Said Mama once..)
Eats all table food & feeds himself
Stands up for a couple seconds
In front facing car seat
Speed crawling champ
Knows the words yes, no, come here, don't touch, food or eat, bath, & bottle
Knows who we are
Plays Peek-A-Boo
Chases us around the house

He makes me smile. We are so lucky to have Renner. Even with the little tantrums, all the late night sicky session, teething cray, and all the wonderful and not so wonderful days I have with him. It's all worth it. 

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