Stuck In A Car Wash.

28 Jan 2014

This seriously happened. Today.

I wanted to be nice and surprise Keags with a super clean car, and had some time to spare, so why not? I waited in the line of cars for about 30 minutes.. Yeah, 30 minutes with Renner. I bribed him with Arrowroot biscuits, and a chewy notebook. He was pretty good though. He's a chill baby. 
Anyways, once I'm finally up there it (firstly, it didn't let me put my code in for whatever reason) opens, and I go in. It puts shampoo on my car, then tells me to go forward (as in go out). I have no other choice, but to go forward, and thinking it's going to rinse my car.. It doesn't. So I go under the air blowing thingy, and I think "Oh hell nah did I just pay 10 bucks to just get shampoo thrown on my car, and get it dried there." It didn't even look clean! So I back up. And I may have accidentally bumped the rinser thing, but that's besides the point. (It literally was a tap. Like it would have been me punching it.) 

That's when all hell broke loose. The front door closed, and it kept saying "Mechanical Error" over and over. So I honk my horn on repeat, and start yelling "Help!!!!! I'm stuck in here! Help me!!!"
No one hears me. They probably will have a good laugh when they watch the cameras because this crazy lady was all waving and yelling at the camera.. Well, when no one came for about 7 minutes I look up the number to the gas station and call them. 

The guy answers, and I say, "Hi there, I'm stuck in your car wash, can you please help me? And get me the freak out?!" 
And he, in broken English, says, "Uh where at?" 
"In your car wash.. You know.. The car wash attached to your gas station!? I'm stuck. It won't let me out and it keeps shouting at me."
"Oh well I will be there 10/15 minutes. I need to close the store." 
"Uh no no! Sorry but you will not leave me in here for 10 to 15 minutes! I have a baby. You need to come rescue me right now." 
"Well I'm only one here so I need close store, then I will come." 
"Just tell those fine people that there is a woman with a screaming baby stuck in your car wash! I promise you they will be more than happy to leave." 
Then we hang up. I call Keagan and I tell him all of that. What do you think he says? ..."Like hell is he making you wait that long! What is the number I'm calling him?" He does, then calls me back and tells me the guy will be right there. 
So all in all I finally got rescued. He asked me what happened, and he closes the car wash, even though he didn't technically because people kept going through it.. Whatever.

Ren was pretty chill for some of it, I was not. I was freaking out. All I kept thinking of was the movie "The Crazies" where the girl died in the car wash from getting hung by one of those rope things because that crazy, zombie dude through it around her neck. Yeah.. So needless to say I stayed in my car the whole time and barely rolled down my window when he talked to me. I got my money back, and went to a different car wash which had another line of 15 cars. So I just went home. And our car is still not washed. But it's the thought that counts right?!


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