Bit of a Basketcase.

26 Jan 2014

The other day we had this awesome Ward party celebrating the birth of Robert Burns, who is a famous Scottish poet. He was born in 1749 - which if he was a vampire he'd be 265. It was pretty awesome, we had Haggis (which I have found out is the bane of my existence), and we made meat loaf - and a bunch of other Scottish yummys.

But anyways, while we were doing a Scotland trivia quiz Renner had been holding onto the metal fold up chairs, and kind of walking around it. I had my leg on it in the beginning, and then I thought, meh he's not strong enough to pull it on top of him. Man was I wrong. About 5 minutes after I took my leg off the chair, he had reached up to grab the back top of it and pull it straight down on himself. He hit the back of his head on the gym floor, and the chair hit his face. It was probably the worst moment of my entire life. It was horrible. He screamed so loud, and wouldn't stop crying for about 15 minutes. So awful. I felt so guilty, and so sick to my stomach with how careless I was. I mean it was an honest mistake, and one I'll never make again, but you can't help but feel like a terrible parent. I've been kind of freaking out thinking he has some damage done, because he bashed that floor so hard.

Here the damages the day after -

He pretty much has been hating life ever since. I've been pretty worried about it, so I'm taking him to the clinic, but I'm sure he's just teething and extra hating on everything. Including me. He has a love/hate relationship with me. He either wants me to hold him, or put him down. He's quite emotional, but knows what he wants. What can yah do? Am I right, or am I right? 

So I've pretty much just been letting him eat some Popsicles, carrots, and those star treats. They pretty much are the only thing he will eat right now, and he will only feed himself. Apparently I just don't get the job done right. He's quite comical. 

Now we have just ditched church, and I'm letting him sleep. We got completely ready and then he just burst out into a 20 minute tear sesh, and I'm like okay.. That's twice in a day span that he's broken down like that - my biggest fear is that he has a concussion. I'm praying he doesn't - just for my own personal guilt. But we shall see what the good doc says. For now, I'm just going to drink my orange juice till my cute husband gets home, then I'll drive him to work, and take Ren to the walk in - they don't open till noon anyways. And that way Renner will just sleep until then. 

Anyone have any ideas why he could be screaming his face off for that long? Traumatized from that whole event is what I've been thinking. Pretty sure he has a raging headache, so the Tylenol has been close by. Oh my poor baby. 

By the way! We switched him to a front facing car seat - YAY. I think I'm way more excited about it than anyone. It's quite glorious, and super cute. I love that he is facing this way because now, not only is it super convenient on giving him snacks, but I can see what he is doing, and look at him all the time. I love it. But it does make me feel a bit nostalgic for his newborn stage.. kinda. Then again although I'm sad for his independent days, its kinda awesome too. 

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