One Month.

22 Mar 2013

I can't believe it's already been a month since Renner was born. It's weird for me to even picture life without him. He just fits so perfectly in our little family.

This first month has had it's up and it's downs, but mostly it has been up. I've had the blessing of having lots of nieces and nephews, so it prepared me for what I was, sort of, getting myself into. I'm honestly not lying, or throwing some cheesy crap in when I say that this first month has been easy. Renner is by far the most perfect baby I could of asked for. All babies cry - Fact. All babies are up during the night - Fact. Now I've either mentally prepared myself ridiculously well, or Heavenly Father knew exactly what I needed during this time.

Pregnancy was extremely hard. But seriously all of those sleepless nights, hospital overnighters, unending pain.. everywhere, and my inability to control my emotions was all worth it. This little guy is everything I could have wanted, and I am not taking it for granted.

His eyes are so big and beautiful. I'm hoping they turn a deep, dark brown like his hot daddy's, but it's still a little too soon to really tell. He's smiling a lot more, and that makes me so happy. He absolutely HATES getting his diaper changed if he's pooed. But what he does love are baths. We take baths right before bedtime, and he falls asleep just about every time. He is a crazy gassy baby! I've heard new mothers complain about their baby being gassy, and man do I know how they feel now. That's really the only real reason Ren cries that much is when he has gas bubbles. Ovol is a life saver.

Cleaning will be the death of me though. Since its a complete winter wonderland outside Ren and I are usually camped in the living room watching Netflix since I have zero energy, and in a bit of pain to do anything else. I am at least putting on makeup, somedays, before Keagan gets off work. Mama's gotta stay looking fresh for her man. But as far as getting super dressed up.. It's all yoga pants and tshirts for this new momma. I'm starting to be able to fit into my old clothes again which is fantastic. Breastfeeding really is a miracle.

I am quite sad with how fast time goes. Pretty soon Ren will be walking and talking, and I can't even begin to think about it. I'm excited, but then again I just love him as a baby! He's so snugly, and tiny. I'm going to cherish every second with him at this stage, and keep taking a million pictures.


  1. Beautiful! Enjoy every minute! Before you know they'll be graduating from high school and off to college.

  2. Oh I know! I just want him to be this small forever, but yet I'm so excited to watch him grow up.
