Resolutions / 2015.

10 Jan 2015

Happy New Year, my homies! 

2014 was a hell of a year for us! Here are some of the fun, exciting things that happened //

Ren turned 1 /  I turned 23 / Keagan turned 25 / 
Roxy turned 6 / Chris Pratt turned 35 (Hallelujah).
We celebrated our 3rd Anniversary.
Keagan switched jobs.

We finally got cable so we can watch Ellen.
We went to our first ever MMA Fight Night - Best Birthday Surprise ever.
Ren started to become more toddler like - I'm crying on the inside.
We did a bit of traveling, and spent a week in paradise that is Waterton.
Sharknado 2 was born.
Ren broke his arm.
Justin Bieber got arrested.
I got into a good rhythm of posting on my blog.. then lost it.
We rescued a cat, and then had a litter of kittens on our bed.
How I Met Your Mother aired its final episode, and it was so disappointing. 
& The Jurassic World trailer was released.

All in all, it was a fun 365 days spent with my favorite people. I think it was a huge learning period for us though, as a couple, parents, and just as individuals in general. It taught us heavily about clinging to one another, and Heavenly Father when things got hard, and not to lash out at each other. It was probably one of the hardest years we've had so far. Mentally, emotionally, and financially. But it was a meaningful year because we got through it together.

So this year we have decided to come up with resolutions that will help benefit us together as a family. We did make personal ones, like, make more homemade meals - me, keep up better with laundry - me, be less of a d-bag - me... You see a pattern? Here are some of ours //

We created more as the days went on. But here are the ones I personally made to myself to better our marriage, my parenting skills, and my well being // 


I sometimes get so caught up in the negative, and adulthood, that I don't just act silly. Keagan and I have had many talks about how I don't just have fun, and relax. I don't know how I became this way. I remember in High School always being the one cracking jokes, rapping stupid things, and laughing all the time. All the time. Then one day a switch just flipped, and I started taking life a little too seriously. Which is completely LAME. We get one chance at this life, and I'll be damned if I'm not going to have fun livin' it. I want Renner to see his mama laughing, and being silly. Making him laugh. Making his Dad laugh. I want that in our home. In our lives. So that is my main resolution.


I have a loud voice. It's quieted down a bit ever since having Ren, but I still have my moments. Especially, when the Mommy Monster comes a roarin'. But I want to become a listener. I love hearing people tell me their stories. But I especially love Keagan's stories, and just hearing him talk in general. You hear some wives say that they hate hearing about their husband's days at work, and how they tune them out, or just don't care. But I love his. My day is at home with Ren. His day is there. So I honestly crave to hear about it. I don't necessarily understand a lot of his work lingo, but I try to. I want to. I want to become better at listening when we are arguing. I want to be better at listening to how he feels, even if it might not going along with how I'm necessarily feeling.


This has a couple different meanings, but the first one is to dance! Dancing releases so much tension in my body. Renner and I have jam sessions all the time, and just dance the day away. We dance when we clean. We dance when we cook. We are always dancing. He loves it. Keagan loves it. I love watching Keagan dance. It's great.

The second meaning is to let things go. Shake it off, and just let it flow, let it go.

4. LOVE.

One of my favorite sayings in our marriage is "Let's Get Naked". And one of my favorite friends, Lindsay, has the BEST blog, I think, for couples, that is amazingly named, Show Up Naked With Food. Seriously I love it, and her. BUT one of her posts gave me a brilliant idea that I have been wanting to try, and what more appropriate timing to try new things than New Years resolutions!

So, with that, we have made a resolution to do something intimate every night for the next month. Whether it's actually doing the deed, or just snuggling naked watching a movie, we've made the deal and sealed it with a kiss. {Even if we're tired. Even if we're sick.} I have noticed a complete change in our relationship even after the last few days. We're laughing more. We're more loving and affectionate towards each other. I recommend all of you awesome couples to give it a try. You won't regret it.

For Christmas, I gave Keagan a secret love photobook that was filled with sexy, but elegant pics of me. & I was a bit terrified to give them to him. Why? I have no idea. Because it was a new experience, and I've never done anything like that before. And although Keagan has seen every inch of me, this was still a leap. Luckily, one of my closest friends, who is an amazing photographer, took them, and the part of taking the photos wasn't embarrassing or completely filled with anxiety. But he was in complete awe when I gave it to him. SCORE.

I think that also boosted our relationship to another level of trust, and love, and I think that's what makes marriage so much fun. You can do that kind of stuff for each other, and constantly find new ways to make things fresh, and fun. That is what this resolution is about. Finding new ways to say "I love you" without actually saying it, and to be intimate with each other. Can't say I'll complain about this one ;)


This one is especially hard for me, and one that I have been diligently trying to do. I always feel so rushed, and out of sorts most days. So I've been trying to just stop, and take a look around at my life and breathe it all in. Life goes by so fast, and I've noticed it a lot more since having Ren. He will be 2 in February, and it freaks me out. I remember when I was still nursing him like it was yesterday, and now he can ask for his own drink, and even put his own clothes away. (Crying on the inside again.)

I also have had trouble with relaxing. There are moments when Keagan will sweetly ask me to snuggle with him, and I will, but all I do is start thinking about stupid things, like how is how messy the house is, or how I only have a certain amount of time to get things done while Ren is napping, and not appropriate things, like how good he smells or how comforting his heartbeat is. I wasn't IN the moment with him, and I've missed a lot of good conversations, and took away the moment to just feel loved because I was too busy to take it in.


Giving my time is also a hard one. With my busy mind, comes an anxiety that I don't have enough time to do everything I need. I become distracted, and don't get my undivided attention to Keagan's needs, or even my own. I forget some days to even brush my hair, so I've vowed to start taking better care of myself. I'm going to start drinking more water, and actually use my 7 Minute workout app. Make healthy homemade meals. Start reading my scriptures. Stop watching TV so much, and start reading. Become more creative. Start going above and beyond with helping others, and giving service. No more excuses. I'm just going to do it.


There really doesn't need an explanation for that right? I'm the worst with money. Keagan isn't. Luckily, we are balanced in that way. I've certainly gotten a lot better than in the first year we were married. Probably because the thought of taking Ren to the store by myself to go shopping for anything other than food makes me cringe. But we have decided to become better at budgeting, and sticking to it.


I know I personally get caught up in all of the worldly things going on in my life, and my spirituality gets put on the back burner. Which isn't right. To myself, or my family. I love the feeling my home has when we have been reading our scriptures, going to church, and praying. There's more warmth, and love. This year I want more love, and less contention. More praying, and less complaining. More serving, and less taking. Heavenly Father will become the center of our family.

You guys seriously all rock and are my fave, and I want to know all of YOUR resolutions, and vows. You can tell me them in the comments, or if you have a blog, link it up below so others, including me, can see it too!

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