
14 Jan 2015

It's gone.

My beautiful turquoise colored, chevron patterned wallet from Target.
It was my first ever wallet that I actual purchased for myself.
A whole whopping 16 bucks for this beautiful thing.
& I was so proud of it.
I have had wallets given to me as gifts, or hand-me downs from my sister.
But this one I got for myself.

I remember I was walking through Target on a date, by myself.       
#fistbump / holla!
Which at that time was rare.
Ren was about 8 months old, and I was so stoked to do some shopping, alone.
And as I was coming around the corner from trying on way too many sunglasses, I saw it.
The only one of its kind. Sitting pretty right at the top, waiting for me.

It was beckoning me to come forward, and pick it up.

And once I did, its spell was cast, and threw it in mah cart.
It was so perfect! A little fold up wallet that could hold all my 4 cards, and 20,000 receipts.
It could even hold my phone, guys. Which is a HUGE deal for me.
I was so proud of him. (yes, him)

A good year and a half with this little guy.
& we went through so much.
I burst his poor seams with the amount of receipts, and sheer crap he held for me.
But he never gave up. He never surrendered.

The Friday before Christmas Eve I was at Target, again.
But not alone this time. (if only I had been..)
Renner had reached his limit. He was done with this horror of shopping.
I paid for my things, and set my beautiful wallet right on top of my coat.
I scrambled out, pushing the stroller to the car.
Rushing so fast so I could give Renner his precious treat after being buckled in.  
Flash ain't got nothin' on dis mama.
I was already late picking up the man from work, and not thinking clearly.
On account of the screech that was blasting in my face.
Finally I reach the car.
The kid was flailing around, screaming, bucking like a World Champ Bronco.
Which got all Mom's walking into Target staring.
I unbuckled him, got him out, left the stroller by the trunk, and put him in his car seat.

Usually, I roll the stroller to the passenger side first.
Then throw all the "important stuff" in the passenger seat.
Like my purse/wallet. Couple bags. 
Whatever food I got for the kid in the store so he'd stop screeching. An energy drink, maybe?
Then put him in, and strap him down, and proceed with 
throwing the stroller, and the rest of the crap in the trunk.

This evening though, was different.
Ren was literally something out of a horror movie.
(Exorcist? Just to name one off the top of my head)
So I put him in first, and strapped him down with all the strength I could muster.
And while I was man-handling him, a group of gangstas, and thugs walked by.

In reality they were really just teenagers who prob just 
got out of school. But I'm going for affect people!

I was paying more attention to the screaming kid more than them though.
Then I closed the door, took a deep breath, and proceeded to put the stroller in the trunk.
I grabbed my coat, and purse (which was thankfully underneath my coat), and put them on the drivers seat.
Then once the stroller was safely secured, I got in the car and drove to pick up the man.

The sweet croon of Justin Timberlake's voice came over the radio, and calmed Ren's sweet spirit instantly.

Thank you JT, you beautiful man.

Then I had a thought.

"Uh, where the freak is my wallet?" 

The song ended, and Ren started to freak again.

"Meh, too late now. You won't need it Saturday, and then Keagan has the next two days off, and you won't need it then either. So whateva."

Three days later.
I had to drive Keagan to work, and I remembered that I need to return something at Best Buy.

But the receipt for it was in my wallet..

The thing is that Best Buy has the dumbest, I repeat, DUMBEST return policy.
If you purchase an item on your debit card, and you want to return said item, 
you must have your receipt, and the EXACT same debit card to get your money back.
Otherwise you just get a gift card.
So stupid. #amiright

So, I go to the trunk to find my wallet. My beautiful wallet. (crying on the inside)
I look around, and can't find it.  
Then I take everything out of the trunk, and still can't find it.  
Double Crap.
I stand there after searching, trying to remember.

And everything comes flooding back to me.

The thugs. The gangsters. The beautiful placed wallet sitting on top of the stroller. Ripe for the pickings.
I mean did I NOT grow up in Southern California? Was I not properly taught how to handle a wallet?
Canada has made me soft.

Luckily, Keagan is a supervisor at Best Buy, and could pull some strings.
And luckily, that they invented this thing call an e-receipt, and I actually gave them my email to send it to me.
Made for Mothers In Mind.
Because who hasn't lost a receipt for a laptop?
Or for a camera? Or for a game console?
...just me?  
I swear I'm cursed with losing receipts from that bloody store.

Moral of the story.
Don't leave your freaking wallet on top of your stroller!
Who steals from mom's though? Who?
I mean, seriously?

Give me back my wallet!



A special thanks to one of my fave apps, A Beautiful Mess, for helping me emphasize how beautiful my wallet is.. was.

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