Love Like Woah.

1 Dec 2011

Keagan Willis Gordon Paisley.
The name of the man that would become my husband - For time & all eternity.

There have been many trials, tribulations, blessings, and down right miracles that have happened in my short 20 years of being on this Earth. But I tell you what, nothing has been quite as amazing as meeting, falling in love, & finally, marrying my best friend, & better half. 

He was my amazing missionary. And I was that girl who developed a cute little, innocent crush on her missionary. I had fallen pretty hard away from the church, and slowly but surely I started to re-develop a stronger testimony. Not because of a "boy". But because of the unconditional love from my Heavenly Father & family, and the encouragement, and strength from our awesome missionaries. They all helped give me the tools to grow my testimony tremendously. Our relationship during his mission, was a safety net. It was pure, genuine friendship, and missionary work.

The more we talked, the more we learned about each other. I learned he was a Canadian, and that before his mission he lived in Calgary, Alberta, and that he was adopted into an amazing LDS family. We would joke that because my sister, and her family, also lived in Calgary, that they were all probably in the same ward. Turns out not only were they in the same ward, but they lived down the street from each other. We got to talking more, and we learned that my brother-in-law, Jess, and Keagan's Dad are from the same hometown of Raymond. And that Jess is also lifetime best friends with Keagan's cousin, and that, I too, am good friends with one of his cousin. Such an amazing thing. Heavenly Father planted us there, at that exact same time. It was like we were destined.

Move forward a few years, and good ol' Elder Paisley was off his mission, and back in Calgary. I had moved back to Montana to be with my parents a few months earlier. We were only 6 hours away. I was dating someone at the time he got home, and he went to work up in the oil rigs for a few months. So after weeks of flirtatious texting when I was finally single, and he was done working up north, he came to visit. (That cute boy had also decided to send his mission bike to my house after he was done with his mission. Clever boy. So, coming to "visit" was pretty much inevitable.) He came for the weekend, and it was so much fun. Just finally being able to near him was like I was able to breathe again. I decided to go back home with him on the day he was going home. Just a random, "What if I came back with you?" My sister did live down the street from his parents, where he was staying, so why not? It was the funnest road trip we both have ever been on. And ever since we were inseparable. We knew we would get married. It wasn't a matter of "if", just a matter of "when". 2 weeks into dating, and we were already "ring snooping". Fools in love rush in. And it was so magical.


Then September 6th comes. 
We had been planning this "photoshoot" for a few weeks with our good friend, Jane, to help "build her portfolio" - at least that's what I was told. The evening before I could not sleep, so I stayed up late with my best girlfriend watching Supernatural, and eating junk food. Needless to say, when I woke up - I felt awful. I got up anyways, & got ready anyways. I wanted to cancel. Keagan begs me to down a glass of water, and eat a donut. 
"You'll feel so much better!" - Ugh.
So with him, and my sister, Stephanie, practically pushing me out the door with my ice, cold glass of water, and donut in hand, we walk to the car. Steph runs outside to give me her camera. "Incase you want to film the photoshoot? Or something.." - "Why would we want to take a video of the photoshoot, Steph? That doesn't even make sense.." - Now, obviously, to normal people / BELLS/ me? Not a chance. I was sick! - So off we went to a beautiful gated community, that held a man-made waterfall. My favorite things on this Earth. It was perfect.

 (INSIDE STORY // I had told Keagan that if he were to propose to me he MUST do it with a ring pop because it would be halarious, and I would definitely say yes)

We did a few romantic shots around the waterfall. Then Jane hands Keagan a dandelion. I yell, "Keags! You should get down on one knee and fake propose to me!" He of course looks at Jane, and Ben, our other friend/Jane's assistant that morning, and they all laugh. I just keep doing what I'm doing, being super oblivious to everything. Keagan gets down on one knee, and.. Well, just watch the video -


 PS; Sorry for the random clicks, they are just photo snaps along with the video !
Also, yes he did pull out a Ring Pop. - Which is why I was laughing hysterically in the beginning.

After this incredibly planned engagement we whisk away to our favorite breakfast place, Cora's.
 {Their crepes are heavenly.} 
I call my Mom on the way there. Apparently, and luckily, Keagan had already called to talk to both of them. My Dad gave Keagan the sweetest advice, and acceptance talk. 
"I can't believe how well you fit so easily, and perfectly into our family. I know you will take care of her, and that you love her with all your heart. She's my baby girl, and now I'm handing her over to you. It would be my pleasure for you to marry her."

 When we got home my sister was beaming. We got to planning asap, because we had decided, if we did get engaged, that we would want to get married around the 21st, weeks prior. So it was set.

October 21, 2011 was the date.

6 weeks of planning // Everything,

And we did it.

It was stressful.
It was beautiful.
It was magical.
You can find our wedding post here.

These are only bits & pieces of just how magical our story is.
But this blog is dedicated to those we like to share.
This is our journey.

Engagement photos by: Jane Blomfield
She is an incredible photographer.
She also did our wedding photos.


  1. Ok. I LOVE it!!!! So cute.
    1. I love that my vase prevails in the house.
    2. I love that you didn't make your bed before taking the picture.
    3. Could anyone expect less of you having a room full of clothes lying around.
    4. I love that you painted your table, you're going to be so crafty.
    5. I love your color scheme.

  2. How freak'n fat are you two! I love your Fat Faces!!

  3. Whoops. That's from Stephanie.... lame Kaykay always forgets to sign out on my computer!! xoxo
