Weekly Obsessions.

22 Mar 2015

/ Jacklyn Hill is one of my favorite Makeup Artists! She has awesome videos on YouTube that I am obsessed with. She's just, I don't know, super down to earth, and quirky. I love the quirky. But this vid is about her getting ready, and shows her c l a s s i c m a k e u p look. Love her, guys.

/ This beautiful s w e a t e r. Yep. I'll take one in every color it comes in. Thank you.

/ This awesome mamas b l o g. I was doing my insta creeper thang, when I came across her page, and fell instantly in love. You will too.

/ I just want her s h o e s.. and well, actually, I'll just take all that in my collection.

/ This p h o t o, because we just got about 3 inches of snow, AFTER it all melted, and it's still snowing. I'm ugly crying on the inside.. maybe, on the outside too. & now I am watching Lord of the Rings. Silver lining in somethings I guess.

/ This makeup & hair style. I can never find the time to do my hair this beautiful, and intricately done, so I'll live vicariously through these chicks.

/ My good friend Alyssa over at, Studio Camp Photography Blog, shared t h i s s t o r y with me of this lady living to be 104 years old, and gave her long life credited to Dr. Peppper. All I can say to that is AMEN.

/ This sickeningly, beautiful p i c t u r e of spring flowers. (more ugly crying)

/ Everything about this b e d s i d e  t a b l e. It's amazing, and I need to know how to decorate them.

C r e a m C h e e s e C i n n a m o n M o n k e y B r e a d. Nuff said.

/ I've been obsessed with putting lemons and raspberries into my water bottle, so these f r u i t i n f u s e d w a t e r guide is pretty fantastic. Here is another one from B u z z F e e d. (which is another obsession. i love that site)
Speaking of Buzzfeed, Keagan and I are both obsessed with these "W e i r d T h i n g s C o u p l e s D o" videos. We've probably watched like everyone. They're our favorite. // 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 (this last one is me all the time. only when I ask keagan to call it, he goes, "phone!" not even kidding haha. usually though, it's in his pocket. actually always in his pocket.)

/ And finally, t h i s. I'll just leave this here.

Boom. Drop the mic.
Happy weekend, my homies. You dah bestest.

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