let them create

19 Mar 2015

I love painting with Ren. There is something about watching him paint that brings such a sweetness into our home. The pure raw creativity that shines through is beautiful. Last summer time we started painting outside on our porch, but through out the winter time we've had to bring our painting sesh inside. Which is a bummer, but what can you do during those months besides hibernate (and cry..)? So we brought out our painting sheet, grabbed a couple of my canvases, threw on my painting mix {a lot of florence + the machine, ellie goulding, city & colour, two doors cinema}, and got our artisty on.

Ren loves his cars and trucks, so I had him pick out a couple that had good tire treads, then put some paint on the cardboard, and a little on his canvas, and had him roll the tires through the paint and drive it on his canvas. He thought it was so much fun. He made car sounds through the whole thing.

I've struggled with letting go of the reigns, and just letting him have fun. Letting him go crazy with his painting, or just anything to do with creating in general, and not "helicopter" over him. I have to be conscious with not controlling how he paints, or creates. He needs to develop his creativity on his own without me showing him how something is suppose to look like, or not look like. 

Art is all about expression, and the one beautiful thing that I love about it is that it can be interpreted in such different ways. I want him to create something that is just his. Whether it be something he paints, draws, builds, dances, or anything. I think it's an important part of growing your imagination, and even building up an inner confidence. 

I love the saying, "let them be little". So much. But for me, I think a saying that fits perfectly, is, "let them create". Don't worry about the mess. Don't worry about clutter. About perfect. 

Worry about memories. About masterpieces being created. About skills being honed. About imaginations expanding. About making relationships. About having fun. About feeling and being loved. 

I love these moments with him so deeply, and I want these to continue as he grows older, and maybe, even something he passes along to his own babes. So, here's to keeping them little, growing big imaginations, and creating beautiful things.

I wanna see what you are your babes are creating, or have created. Let's get this trending //

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