He's 2 Months Already?

23 Apr 2013

Holy! Where does the time go? My little Renner is already 2 months?! What the crap! I can't believe that. It literally feels like I just went into labor last week, but have had him forever.. Make sense? Probably not. But that's okay. New moms aren't suppose to make sense :) anyways! What a crazy last month we have had in the Paisley Household.

I dropped my mom off at the airport today. Saddest thing of my life I might add. I've never been really sad when I've left home before because I always knew I would see her again really soon. But living in Edmonton, and her in Utah I can't just do the 6 hour driving deal anytime I pleased because I no longer live in Calgary, and she doesn't live in Montana. So needless to say I'm a tad bit depressed without her. But it was a blast having her here. And Renner just loves his Nana. The best parts of having her here were the days that her and I laid in bed watching Breakout Kings and The Unit, having our long talks about everything, going out shopping, having her meet my in laws, and taking her to West Edmonton mall to the Sea Life Caverns. It was all a blast.

The first time Ren and my mom met was April 6th. It was his "Welcome to Earth" party. Mustache Bash for Ren thrown by my amazing friend Abbi. It was so much fun. But yeah so Ren meet his Nana and Auntie Stephanie, along with his 3 of his cousins there. Then long story short Steph, our mom, and her 3 kids came to our, medium sizeish, place for a few days and it was a caarazy fun time. My mom thankfully got to stay longer. It's crazy how much I miss her. I don't know if it's because I'm a mom now, and I have a new found love for her or what but her being 20+ hours away kills my heart.

But back to Renner being 2 months!! (Yes, I am for surely jumping around a lot in this post.) He is so dang cute! I can't get over it. What's the most funny thing to me is how big he is! Seriously the kid has mitts for hands. I was comparing him to a 3 & 4 month old at church, and he is just a long baby. He weighs 11 1/2 pounds. Which is perrect. He's smiling so much now. He's still not into getting his diaper changed, or being naked at all. But it is still pretty much winter in the great white north so I don't blame him. My sister though taught me a sweet trick of putting a blanket on his belly when I change him, and it's really working like a charm. He's not so sad... All of the times, but we're working on it. He's starting to giggle. It's hilarious.

On an annoying note I have to get my wisdom teeth out. I only have 2 on the top, but my left side one is half out and sideways.. So it's hitting my cheekbone and leaving gashes, and bruising, and GAH! It hurts. So those will be gone in a couple weeks. Oh and 2 days before that I get those out I have a root canal! Nice. I'm so not looking forward to it. Especially with a 2 month old. That will be so much fun..

Anyways, Ren is calling.. Screaming? My name. Freak I love that kid. And his extremely loud vocal cords.

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