Psych VS Blogging.

15 May 2013

I've definitely had a hard time keeping up with blogging. Even though I write these post on my phone I still manage to hardly have time to actually write, and when I do start a post.. I slowly drift away and do something else productive like.. like watch Psych, or eat. Either one of those options are awesome. Even as we speak I'm watching Psych while my handsome boy is sleeping across my legs. (He does look pretty dang cute in this new outfit I got him.)
 He looks so peaceful so I'm ignoring my incredible hunger for the fresh chocolate chunk brownies I made an hour ago just so he can sleep. I can definitely move him, but he's been some what grumpy today so he needs his sleep. 
We started a new thing by going on evening walks every night, and I swear it's the greatest thing of my life. He has slept amazing every night we've gone out walking.
The first night he slept 6 hours before walking up to eat, and then fell back asleep for another 6. This baby mama was stoked! First time he's slept that long in a row - EVER. It's a beautiful, beautiful thing. He's gonna be 3 months on Saturday. Ugh. I'm excited, yet saddened by him getting so big. He can keep his head up by himself now. It's quite adorable.
He still does have the bobble head action going on at times, and bashes the spot on my cheek where my, recently removed (last week..), wisdom teeth used to be - which hurts like a bissh. He's also responding to his name too. He gets all smiley, and makes that adorable half giggle, inhale sound when we say it. Still is rockin the loudest farts ever. Yeahh, I'm in love with him. 
And by the way this first picture is his face when watching Shawn and Guster on Psych. He finds just as hilarious as me, and I find the face he is making the cutest thing of my life. Then again, anything he does is pretty freaking cute. 

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