Anyways, back to why exactly I was so overly emotional. So with living in our new apartment we aren't allowed to have Roxy here, at all, and every time I try to have her home with me someone from the apartment management comes by to either ask us questions, or move our beds (which only happened once), or just anything. Every time, no joke. Why don't I hide her from them? Well, I do. But she whines and whines when she gets locked in our bedroom to hide her, and they obviously can hear her. So, it doesn't work. But anyways, so to kind of bend the rules a little bit we let Roxy stay with our lead techs, who have a dog of their own, during the day, and we keep her at night.

Talk about a freak out session. I literally thought she was dying, and it made me so sad. Keagan and I said a prayer for her, and snuggled with her all night. That next morning when we woke up you could tell she was feeling a bit better. She could open her eye more, but you could tell she was still babying it. Now that it's been 2 days later, she can open it all the way, but she is stilling sleeping a lot, but no vomiting, or any of the other things. Which is such a blessing. I couldn't even imagine if we lost her. It would be so awful. I am just glad that Heavenly Father is protecting our little family.
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