Gotta Get Down On Friday!

8 Jan 2012

People are always asking us / What do you guys do on the weekend?

Well, our weekday life honestly consist of work, school, and hanging out with each other. So when Friday night rolls around, and we are way to exhausted to go anywhere our date nights is filled with kettle corn popcorn, Dr. Pepper, whatever food we can find in our house or Taco Bell, which just so happens to be conveniently placed around the corner, and snuggling up on our couch with our blankies and watching Netflix! Romanic, we know ;) but movies, and snuggles in our blankies are kinda our thing.

One of our favorite TV shows right now is Jericho

It is such a tear jerker, and just honestly - down right exciting! 
]The sad thing is it ended only after 2 seasons, and to top it off it wasn’t even a full two seasons.

Another amazing show we love is,  
The Walking Dead.

Yes, it is about a zombie apocalypse. Yes, it is quite gory at times. Yes, it does provide me some crazy nightmares and slight paranoia – but it is quite the addicting show, and it does honestly hit your heart strings at some points. Our favorite character is Daryl! He is halarious, a douche bag, and such a bad "a" at the same time. It's only in the second season now. Keagan predicts that everyone, and their mom, will be watching it soon enough though. I finally caved. It's a guilty pleasure.

We do have other favorite shows, but these are by far our favorite two.

 Now if we were talking about my favorite shows - That is entirely a different story.  
The shows I'm addicted to are because of my amazing mother who thrives on dark, & scary things. 

In the "About Us" section, you can see that there is a part of my day that consists of,
 "a seemingly never ending marathon of Supernatural." 
Let me explain.

I can't say its entirely wrong - not everyday consist of this. Just the majority of the time when I'm on my "sharkweek", and I literally can't move, Sam & Dean, cheer me up. So check it out. Keagan kind of likes it.. But he won't actively watch it on his own. Such a bummer.

The Lady's Favorite Shows//

The Man's Favorite Shows//

So, you might think we are "boring newlywed couple". But you see, we wouldn’t change a thing. It is quite a beautiful thing to be married to your best friend, and hang out at OUR house, doing whatever we want to do. Because whatever we are doing, whether its boring or not, at least we're together.

We can’t even believe this is legal!

So, I propose a challenge! To my Canadian friends out there, who are deeply blessed with the invention of Netflix, and are feeling like they need a show, I say that you watch the first episode of any of mine/our favorite shows, and just see the enjoyment that it brings. Whatever you choose is your decision, but I caution to those who watch The Walking Dead. It definitely isn’t for the faint hearted. But it's amazing.


  1. I love your Supernatural love, this was much more a tribute than a post, that a girl.
