Where The H Have Yah Been?

27 Jul 2014

Word. I am officially the champ at ignoring my blog for the last few.. Freak has it really been months? I could use the excuse of having an over active one year old, who rarely lets me get anything done. But that would be kinda lame. Honestly, I don't really know why. Maybe, I just needed a beat? Or I just needed to focus on other things. Who really knows. But here I am back in the pilot seat, so let's do dis thang. 

Adventures have been having like crazy in this household. First our vacation to Waterton, plus my little side trip to Raymond with Ren by myself (which was so much fun, and draining all at the same time). Then we had a weekend long softball tournament. Then I got super sick, while Ren's molars were poppin' out. Faaaantastic. Since then it's been pool, sleep, eat, read, splash park, library, and watch TV. Typical summer get up. 

Rogue had her kittens. 5 (3 girls / 2 boys) beautiful lil buggers. {Doticus, Rome (Romulus), Titus, Remus, & Precious} They're pretty rad. I like em. Ren likes them more. We keep them safely tucked away in our room, and whenever I accidentally leave the door open when he's awake, he creeps in there to see them. But always gives himself away when he started cooing, and "ooh" & "ahh" at them. It's adorable. Even with that cuteness though, I am quite excited for them to vacate, and go to their new homes! I will tear up. I've grown attached to them. But it will be awesome to not be attacked early in the morning by little nails of death wanting to play with my fingers, toes, hair, face.. 

Anyways, the little terror is yelling, rather screeching for me. So I'll leave you with these // 

Teaching Titus to escape. He's a pretty good teacher. 

Rome. She's quite darling. 

Walking to the pool with Great Grams. ❤️

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