So Many Issues.

29 Oct 2013

My Blogger has had so many issues. Hence the whole not posting anything for a while. Turns out the posts I thought I had already written, and supposedly "posted" from my phone, in fact didn't. Uggh. So frustrating. Now I'm on the regular site hoping this post actually goes through! Fast forward a few months a lot has happened.

Renner is now 8 months old, and starting to actually crawl. It's quite sad. He is inch worming around, but still up and moving like crazy. I've started baby proofing, which is different, and kind of crazy how much he can get into. Like the other day I was in the bathroom getting ready for the day, and he's out in the living room talking away to himself, then silence. Uhhh.. So I go out to check on him and the punk is riffling through my purse holding up my wallet and a lip gloss haha. I just laughed and swooped it all up. As cute as he is his mothers son. Which pretty much just mean he is crazy, and loud. He doesn't laugh as much, so I figure that part he gets from my Dad, but he does yell at me. Especially when I'm not paying attention. So pretty much when I'm trying to clean, and do laundry. He still isn't sleeping through the night all the way, but at least he's sleeping in his own room. That's a big step. And it's not like we haven't tried leaving him alone, and not rush in with a bottle. We've tried not giving in at 2 AM or 4 AM and give him one, but the kid won't stop crying. Such a stubborn kid, and he isn't even a year old yet! Ugh. He does, however, absolutely LOVE taking baths. Haven't yet taken him swimming, but that is on my to-do list.

Roxy has gotten more comfortable with him, which is nice. She lets him do whatever, and moves away from him when she has had enough. I will say that he loves his Daddy. Hardly ever snuggles with me anymore, but will cling to his dad. Kind of like, "Mom I see you all day long, and you take all the cool toys away from me, and I never see Dad and he gives me chocolate. Sorry. But you are the weakest link. Goodbye." Waaaah! Haha. It's sad how I would get stressed about him always wanting to be on me, and now all I want to do is hold him.

Now on to some more exciting things happening around the Paisley household! Keagan has taken a new job working as a department manager at Lowes. He loves it, and it's glorious because we get paid a bit more, plus he actually gets almost all Sunday's off so we can go to church together. Yay! But I think he wants to do something more. Possibly go back to school. Which if he did it would be awesome. Hard, and we would probably never see him if he went down the path he is thinking of doing, but it would be worth it. We still are trying to figure out all of my immigration stuff, so that's been riveting, as always. I was also suppose to get surgery for my endometriosis, but as I was literally in the OR they canceled it on me because my thyroid levels were in the danger zone. But when I went to visit my endocrinologist apparently my thyroid level is getting back on track. So turns out I could of had my surgery all along! We have lived without a car for the past 3 months. Which was fun, and a different experience, but it was summer and we could hang with that. Ren and I could stroll down to the Safeway by our house and pick up some groceries, no biggie. So with winter creeping up very quickly Keagans parents were so kind enough to let us borrow one of their vehicles until spring, or until we finally get a new car. Such a blessing! And when I say winter is creeping up quickly I mean it snowed on Sunday, melted, but the cold winds are becoming harsher. Ugh. What will we do all winter long beats me. I despise the cold, but I love the man who brought me to it. So it's a bittersweet kind of relationship. I have started painting again, which makes me happy. It's mostly when Keagan has his late shifts, and Ren is sleeping. But it refreshes and rejuvenates me.

On another note, All Hallows' Eve is among us, more like in 2 days, and I am so excited! I love Halloween! And finally having our own house to actually decorate has been so much fun! I love it. (K I'm done with the "I love it's", but seriously I do). Plus it's Renner's first Halloween, and the only costume we have for him is a monkey. We were also considering a zombie, but the thought of him rubbing face paint in his eyes creeps me out. So we will probably go for something more simple. Not that we will be taking him trick or treating. Possibly, but we most likely will just dress him up, take a few photos, then head over to a friends to hang out. Sounds like a good night to me! Then next will be Christmas decorating. I will say its weird having Thanksgiving before Halloween. It has me all turned around. Now I have a strange desire to start decorating for that yummy holiday.

Well if any of you awesome bloggers or just sweet people have advice on how to get an 8 month old to sleep through the night I'm all ears!

Renner's new Dragosaur beanie! He loves it. 
My "almost" surgery before it got canceled.. So lame. 
His new Moose "snow suit" onesie. 
When I say Renner loves his baths, I really mean it. He sits here while his bath is being filled up, and shoves his face under the facet and laughs hysterically. So cute. 
Roxy getting in the Halloween spirit. 
My little squish. 
Tackle Dad! 
He also loves the park. Mostly the swing though. 

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