183 Days.

23 Apr 2012

For anyone who doesn't know, Keagan and I have been married for exactly 6 months since last Saturday. And what an amazing 6 months it has been! It's crazy how time is flying. But anyways, I just thought that everyone should know what a cute husband I have! So since he had to work on Saturday, he decided to surprise me with an early date night :) We spent the day over at my sister's house that Friday, and all day I kept thinking "What are we going to do tonight!?". Seriously. I knew he had to work on Saturday, so I secretly hoped that he had something planned for us. Well, on our way home I kept trying to drop hints, or get him to tell me what we're doing, but he just acted all casual like, and didn't say anything. So when we got home he told me that he had to go run an errand, and he'll be right back, but he told me to get all dressed up. Hmmm. "Okay", I told him.Well, I waited, and waited, and waited some more, and he STILL wasn't home. It literally was about an hour until I got a text on my phone that said to come outside. So I did just that, and when I walked outside there was chalk written all over the sidewalk, and arrows leading me to a spot in our back yard. When I got to the spot, there was Chinese food (with chopsticks! my fave.), Cherry Dr. Pepper, flowers, and movie tickets to go see the movie The Lucky One. I could die. This kid acts like the non romantic type, psssh! He is super cheesy, and romantic! And I love every minute of it! 
So, here are some cute pictures I took of the night ---

The set up.
Ginger Beef & Cherry Dr. Pepper <3

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