the four year proposal

7 Sept 2015

four years ago today Keagan proposed to me.
..welll.. four years ago yesterday. meh. same dif.

It was a beautiful day.

We had been planning a mock photoshoot for a while with our good friend, Jane. She was just starting her photography bidness up, and she needed to "build her portfolio" / that's what I was told.

The day before the photoshoot I stayed up reallyy late with one of my best girls, Abbi. It was a movie date night, with LOTS of junk food. But I had the absolute worst time falling asleep, so at about 11 PM I decided to take a sleeping pill.


I woke up feeling horrible. I wanted nothing to do with this photoshoot. But I got up and got all ready anyways. By the time Keagan arrived at my house to pick me up, I was laying on the couch asking him if we can cancel.

HA. you silly girl, you.

Keagan and my sister, Steph, both were like,
"oh you'll feel better once you start moving!" / "drink some water, and eat something." / "if you can't do it once you're actually there, then you can leave."

Steph was practically pushing me out the door with my ice water. 

I bucked up, and went.

Steph runs outside while we were getting in the car to give me her camera. 
"Incase you want to film the photoshoot? Or something.."  
"uhh, k?"

She's not that very subtle guys. Let's give her a break.

Once in the car, I noticed that he had sweetly gotten me some Timmy's. aka. Tim Hortons.
The true way to this girls heart.

We start driving, and I'm trying to figure out where we were going. All I knew was that it was a beautiful location, and quote, "I was gonna freak." So me, being me, bugged him the entire way there. He didn't cave. He never does. 

We park, meet up with Jane and her buddy Ben, and start walking.
I can hear this roar over our voices, and I start to get excited because now I know.

It was a waterfall. My favorite places to be in the world are around waterfalls. And he remembered. Timmy's + a waterfall location. Boy was winning some points. 

We did a few romantic shots around the waterfall, and explored around a bit.

Then about 5 minutes later Jane hands Keagan this dandelion, and I say, 
"Keags! You should get down on one knee and fake propose to me!"

hey, I know what you're thinking. But we had talked about marriage and everything. 
so to me this wasn't going to happen for a bit. and I am a bit naive. same dif.

He of course then looks at Jane, and Ben, and they all laugh. 
they were in on the plan. they ain't dumb. 

So, Keagan gets down on one knee, and I fake surprise. 
The rest. Is in the video.

When you come into the video, you see me slow clapping.
He had just pulled out a Ring Pop bag. 
I had told him once before, "if you propose to me with a ring pop. it's a done deal sweetheart."

Hence the laughing. + slow clapping. 


He surprises me still everyday.
& everyday with him gets a little more sweeter.

I called my Mom on the way to our celebratory breakfast at Cora's. 
Apparently, Keagan had already called to talk to both of them. 
My Dad gave Keagan the sweetest advice, and acceptance talk. 
"I can't believe how well you fit so easily, and perfectly into our family. I know you will take care of her, and that you love her with all your heart. She's my baby girl, and now I'm handing her over to you. It would be my pleasure for you to marry her."

Those sweet words mean more to me now.
My dad knew. 

Six weeks later we were married.
He is, and always will be my flavorist. 

happy four year proposal, love.
or something. i don't know. 
*insert sassy girl emoticon.


4 Sept 2015

reading /    a house in the sky - amanda lindhout & sara corbett - go to your library and get this right meow. SO GOOD.

yearning for /   pumpkins. the leaves to change colors. fall clothes.

loving /   my jaclyn hill x becca cosmetics highlighter. holy crap guys. i'll just say it for you.
#HIGHLIGHTONFLEEEEEK  seriously. go get it now before its gone. 

craving /   this oh so beautiful, and most perfect top that was destined to be in my life from ilycouture. 

watching /   witches of east end - even tho its cancelled i'll never let it go.  once upon a time.  community.

wearing /  this shirt from joe fresh + PINK leggings + amazingly comfy chunky knit cardi from anthro - similar here

feeling /   over the awful sickness that everyone in this house has.

depressed /   ren can now climb in and out of his crib. its a beautiful, but sad thing. beautiful because i don't wake up to his screeching anymore. he just comes into our room and gives me a good morning kiss + snuggle. depressing because he's not a baby anymore! (ugly crying happening rn)

happy /   for the small things in life.

obsessed /   kat von d's lovecraft lipstick. rainy + fall season. honey vanilla chamomille tea. homemade mac + cheese. (recipe coming asap). dried flowers. 

needing /    sleeeeeeeep. mama ain't had none in the past week in a bit. it's driving me a bit cray. thank the heavens for melatonin.