HOW TO | catch some fruit flies

16 Aug 2015

If you are a fruit fly advocate, please turn away. This post ain't for you.
If you are dying to rid yourself of these awful creatures from invading your home.. Continue on my good friend.

Can I please get an amen of how S I C K & tired you are of these freaking fruit flies?!

I mean, the other day I sucked one up through my nose! And about destroyed our kitchen with how many there were.


Here's my problem. Ren loves bananas, and peaches, and nectarines, and every other fruit that carries and attracts the flies. I almost don't even want to buy them anymore because of the crazy storm of little blackish flies that engulf my entire kitchen and dining room!

Drives. Me. Cray.

It's like I don't even want to cook dinner because of how many there were.
{Good excuse to not cook though, right? ;) Keagan didn't fall for it though.. ):}

So, one day I was complaining to my Mama about them, and asked how she battled against the swarm.

Then she tells me, "Well, I use Apple Cider Vinegar."
Come again for Big Fudge?

a p p l e  c i d e r  v i n e g a r

K. So, you mean to tell me that the thing that she has been attempting to shove down my throat, FOR YEARS, was the cure for getting rid of these annoyances! ..and lots of other things apparently. 

Then she continues..

"You pour some apple cider vinegar in a small cup or container, and rub a dash of soap on your finger, and run it through the vinegar."

Turns out that the vinegar smells like fruit that is decaying, and the soap is so sticky it captures them, and sends them to their watery grave. Literally.

Genius that woman is.
Why was I such a brat in high school and not listen to her more?

So anyways, down below you'll see a step by step on how to rid yourself of such beasts. And a look "into" the one I am replacing. It is amazing how well this trap works! And the best part is that there are no harsh chemicals, and its all homemade! BOOM. 

Beware. You may gag at the sheer amount you will catch.

You don't want to fill it up so high, but that exactly too low either. So fill it right in the middle.
(Make the proper adjustments to the type of glass you're using as well. I'm using an old Ikea candle holder. I'm a glass horder. It's a sickness. #monkeycoveringeyesemojiinsertedhere)

When I say a "drop" of soap, I literally mean for it to cover the entire tip of your finger. You don't really want to rub it around with your thumb. Just pour it on your finger, than immediately dunk it into the glass and rub it around in the vinegar, and also, around the sides of the glass.

Look, I was being straight up ghetto when I made this because I had no plastic wrap. So I just ripped a side off a Ziplock baggie, and that did the job perfectly.

You can use whatever you like to poke the holes with. I used a small knife. You just want to be able to poke holes big enough for them to fly into, but not fly out. Got it?

This is my favorite step because you are done, and you can just watch them all gather to the edge of the hole, and then finally take the plunge!

This was my 2nd one, and it was finally just finishing up. 
My first one was deeeee-sgus-ting.

And there you have it! A fool proof, no more fruit fly flyin' zone! And I don't have to worry about sucking them up through my nose anymore!

You can place your "Fruit Fly Death Trap" anywhere you'd like. I placed mine where I know they are the most prominent. But I've put them on my counter top, on the top of my fridge, etc. Where ever you're wanting it to be, place it there my friend!

Happy Hunting, y'all!


It does smell super strong the first day or so. Just know that. But it fades away. Or you just get use to it. Either or.

Mine usually lasts about a week or two. Just depends on how many you've caught, or how the soap mixture looks like. If it's super cloudy, or the soap has created huge blobs (and it's been a week), change it! But you can decide for yourself on when you think it's right.

.. I usually forget about it, and change it every week and a half to two weeks. But if your fruit fly problem is SUPER bad, then make two! Or three. I ain't judging. 

o b s e s s i o n s

12 Aug 2015

We moved.

That's pretty much the only explanation I can give as of why NO posts have been showing up over the last month or so. I don't know how families of 4.. 5.. 10+, can do it, and then not want to just curl up in a hole, and sleep for months afterwards. It was dreadful, and awesome at the same time. But now it's over now, and things are becoming a lot more stable, and settled. YES.

 & ps. i am in sweet love with our new place. 
if you want a walk through of it, telllll me, and i'll make a video.

Now time for some beautiful obsessions! A couple (actually, just one) that are off of my pinterest board that I want, and ones I do have and want to share their amazing-ness.

o b s e s s i o n s  //

a. so this is my first actual set of the real technique beauty / core collection beauty brushes, and I gotta say they don't disappoint. I more so use the contour, and powder brush, but the foundation and concealer brush are just as awesome. What I love most about the contour brush is how it makes my bronzer look on my face, and how precise it is. LOVE. The powder brush I more so use as my liquid foundation brush, and for my cream blushes. I love the air brush looks that it gives me when everything is all set in. Brilliant creations these are.

b. ugh, who does love Kate Spade?! I seriously can't get over how cute all of her phone cases, wristlets, purses, glasses.. everything is. I swoon every time I collect something of hers. I have something else from her that I'll show next week ;) Keagan got me it when my last w a l l e t was stolen straight outta my stroller during this past Christmas. It made me losing gift cards, my ID, some cash, my favorite lipstick, etc. all worth it.

c. BLAKES RED. OMGOSH YOU GUYS. I can't get enough. I have been trying to find the perfect red lipstick for me for a LONG time, and I haven't been able to get the exact shade I have been looking for. I don't know what it is, but every red lipstick I've tried has made me look blotchy, like a not so attractive 80s wannabe.. just yuck. You know what I mean? And come on ladies, every woman needs that one damn good red lipstick. And I've finally found it. Thank you, Blake Lively! You beautiful woman you.

d. aight guys, imma get real for you for a sec. I have been searching for a good water purifier that wasn't stupid expensive FOREVER. I'm so sick of my Brita jugs always breaking, and the filters black beads falling through into my water, and their product just NOT lasting after I've spent 50+ bucks on a supposedly really "good one". It was driving me crazy. But I've finally found the one I love. Zero Water, folks. I got the 10-cup jug, and I am soooo happy with it. It even comes with a water dispenser on the back of it, which makes my life easier. The one thing that I didn't like about mine at first, is that when I poured water out of the top it didn't seem to have any controlled flow to it, so the first time I poured water out of it, it kinda splashed on my counter. But now I have the tricks to use it down, so now more spilling! But seriously, check it out.

e. i am obsessed with all things blue, turquoise, teal, mint, etc. I love it. I can't get enough of it. But sadly, this is the one I don't have. I NEED IT IN MY LIFE. I do have a similar one, and it is a beautiful shade, don't get me wrong, but it's not quite as bright as this beautiful Nars one, but I still dig it.

brushes    /    i phone six case  {another one of mine here}  /    lipstick    /    water filter    /     nail polish      

and as per usual, i leave you with this hilarious me-me that i can't get over. i cry laughing every time i see it.

pinterest  /  kayy_sue


ps // this isn't an ad, at allif it was, i would tell you.
these are products i have found, and loved,  and wanted to share them with you.
i would never tell you something that i didn't like, or wouldn't use myself, just to gain a profit.
that's not who i am.