Oh Happy Time.

29 Jun 2013

Finally some peace! It has been waaaay too long since I've written a blog post so don't mind the few months of catching up. My obsession and fascination with Renner is always growing stronger. I was reading some of my old post on how he was the perfect little baby, and never cried excessively.. Man did I set myself up for that one. He is the cutest cry baby though. Reflux was one of the reasons for it, and now that we have that under control he's actually so much fun to hang around. Not that he wasn't before, but a few weeks straight of crying full blast from the time he woke up, a little break in between, and then when he went down was about as much as I could take. People tried to say it was colic - and man I don't think I've ever hated a word so much. Thanks but no thanks peeps, it's not, even though you've tried to tell me a million times. I could console him. So that ruled that blasted word out. But once he start on the medicine that helped it he has been amazing. A medicine that taste like absolute shizz by the way, poor thing. And yes I taste everything that goes in his mouth, including the goods - which every mom is curious about how breastmilk tastes, don't get all judgey. He hates the medicine, but it makes me happy afterwards so he'll deal. 

He's 4 months now, and man is he cute. He has a round head, with big ol' ears like his daddy.
So cute! I'm obsessed. He's blowing bubbles, and babbling constantly. I don't think my clothes have ever seen so much drool. He has also become OBSESSED with chewing on his hands.
He's finally sleeping in his own bed. That was a rough couple nights - for me. I missed him. He was perfectly content. Last night though was the first night that he has slept a full 8 hours. He fell asleep at 9, and all of sudden I hear him whimpering, and my boobs felt like they were about to explode, I looked at the time and it was 5:30. HALLEJUAH! It was quite a glorious feeling to have 8 hours of sleep under my belt again. I'm hoping tonight is just as awesome, but we'll see. He quite strong now, and loves it when I stand him up. We play super baby all the time - which is basically me hold him above my head. He gets a real kick out of it, and has become incredibly talented at getting the timing of dropping drool in my mouth down perfectly. It's quite disgusting, but endearing as well. I let him suck on a piece of apple a few days ago, and he fell in love. He's now watching what I eat a lot more intensely, and I let him taste some of it. But for now he's still loving the goods. 

That's him loving his apple piece, and giving it a cute smile. 

Summer has finally arrived, and you'd think that we would be outside playing at the park next to our place or laying on the grass but no. I need too. I've just been so tired lately that the thought of sitting and watching Gossip Girl or Scandal have just been to enticing to pass up. I will though. One of these days. The one thing I do try and so every night, if it's not raining, is go for a walk. He loves going for walks. Now that he's a little older he pays attention to everything, and it helps me relax. I've been be coming a little more crafty, which deserves a post all in its own. Fathers Day was an awesome day. 

There was breakfast in bed that consisted of homemade crepes with freshly cut fruits and Nutella. Renner, Roxy and I then swiftly had Keags come out into the living room where he saw our wonderful creation that had Ren's footprint and Roxy's paw print in a flour/salt dough mixture, and Man of Steel VIP tickets. Yeah. We are awesome. Then Keagan went off to work, and he came home to homemade fried chicken with rice, and homemade Angel food cake with an amazing strawberry/raspberry sauce. Am I bragging about my cooking and creative skills? Absolutely because I hate cooking, and can never find time to be creative. I felt pretty proud. 

He's loving his daddy a lot more these days. Pretty sure he's finally understanding that he is a special person too. He doesn't scream every time Keagan holds him. Now he's perfectly content if I want to slip away for a shower while daddy plays with him. It's awesome. I've been saying awesome a lot. And obsessed. Probably because I'm awesomely obsessed with this little kid, and his sexy dad. They make me prettayy happy. 

He got "Hello" stamped -__-  thank you daddy. 
On one of our nightly walks. He's pretty cute.